April 7, 2006
This event celebrated CLIR’s golden anniversary. Symposium topics included the findings of a landmark study on the condition and preservation needs of our academic and research collections; recent recommendations on the orphan works problem and fair use issues; and how technology is turning one city’s streets into a virtual museum. Special tributes were made to former presidents of CLIR and its predecessor organization.
Read a summary of the symposium in CLIR Issues No. 51 >>
Speakers’ Presentations
Speakers’ notes and PowerPoint presentations for this meeting are available below in original file format. Not all presentations are available at this time. Please allow time for the files to download to your computer.
- Telling the Philadelphia Story through Special Collections and City Records
- Joan Decker, Philadelphia Commissioner of Records [11.0 MB PowerPoint file]
- Robert Cheetham, President and CEO, Avencia, Inc. [54.8 MB PowerPoint file]
- PocketCulture Fact Sheet handout [1.03 MB PDF]
- Parcel Explorer Mapping Fact Sheet handout [738 KB PDF]
- Photo Archive Fact Sheet handout [1.07 MB PDF]