Transforming Libraries: The Impact of Digital Information Resources


Council on Library and Information Resources


Transforming Libraries

April 18, 2005

The Brookings

1775 Massachusetts
Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C.

Tentative Program

8:45                 Check-in and continental breakfast


9:30                 Welcoming remarks

Nancy Davenport, President

Council on Library and Information Resources


9:40                 Developments: New Forms of Digital Content

                        Moderator: David Seaman, Director, Digital Library Federation


Paul Courant, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs,

University of Michigan


Stephen Rhind-Tutt, Chief Executive Officer, Alexander Street Press


10:40               Break


10:55               Demands: Faculty and Students

How are provosts and academic administrators preparing to meet the demands?

Moderator: Nancy Davenport, President, CLIR


David Shulenburger, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Kansas
Susanne Woods, Provost and Professor of English, Wheaton College


12:30               Lunch


1:55                 Workforce: Emerging Staffing Needs

Moderator: Susan Perry, Senior Advisor, Mellon Foundation, and Program Officer, CLIR


José-Marie Griffiths, Dean, School of Library and Information Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Principal Investigator, National Study on the Future of Librarians in the Workforce


Elliott Shore, Chief Information Officer, Bryn Mawr College, and Principal Faculty, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Scholarly Information Resources


2:45                 Break


3:00                 Discussion: Content and Access Services: What’s Needed in the Digital Environment


3:45                 Wrap-up and Concluding Remarks, Nancy Davenport