Prepared by John Chadwick, John H. Falk, and Brigitte O’Ryan for the Council on Library and Information Resources
Table 1. Mean age of respondents to user survey by type of institution
Type | Mean | Std. Deviation | Low | High |
Library | 38.8 | 14.8 | 14 | 86 |
Museum | 40.0 | 14.0 | 12 | 75 |
Table 2. Mean age of all respondents
Gender | Mean | Std. Deviation | Min. | Max. |
Women | 38.3 | 13.5 | 12 | 74 |
Men | 40.7 | 15.5 | 15 | 86 |
Table 3. Gender of respondents by type of institution
Type | Female | Male |
Library | 54.3% 133 |
45.7% 67 |
Museum | 71.0% 164 |
29.0% 112 |
Total | 62.4% 297 |
37.6% 179 |
Table 4. Why online visitors are coming to the Web site by type of organization
Type | Academic research | Personal research | Personal growth | Plan a visit to the library | Plan a visit to the museum |
Library | 49.8% 122 |
36.7% 90 |
8.2% 20 |
5.3% 13 |
NA |
Museum | 20.3% 47 |
26.4% 61 |
25.5% 59 |
NA | 27.7% 64 |
Total | 35.5% 169 |
31.7% 151 |
16.6% 79 |
2.7% 13 |
13.4% 64 |
Table 5. What is important about the information at this Web site by type of institution
Type | Reputation of organization | Depth of information | Easy to access information | Reliability of information |
Library | 7.1% 17 |
18.8% 45 |
45.4% 109 |
28.8% 69 |
Museum | 3.5% 5 |
18.2% 26 |
32.9% 47 |
45.5% 65 |
Total | 5.7% 22 |
18.5% 71 |
40.7% 156 |
35.0% 134 |
Table 6. Frequency of visits to Web site by type of organization
Frequency of visit | Library | Museum |
First visit | 22.4% 55 |
0 |
Daily | 25.3% 62 |
18.6% 43 |
Weekly | 31.6% 78 |
12.6% 29 |
Monthly | 12.7% 31 |
24.2% 56 |
Seldom | 6.9% 17 |
37.2% 86 |
Yearly | 0.8% 2 |
17.4% 17 |
Total | 245 | 231 |
Table 7. Where respondents were physically located by type of institution
Type | Offsite | Onsite |
Library | 77.6% 190 |
22.4% 55 |
Museum | 80.5% 186 |
19.5% 45 |
Total | 79.0% 376 |
21.0% 100 |
Table 8. Meeting expectations by type of institution
Type | Failed to meet expectations | Met some expectations | Met most expectations | Met or exceeded expectations |
Library | 3.0% 7 |
15.1% 35 |
47.0% 109 |
34.9% 81 |
Museum | 20.0% 42 |
14.8% 31 |
33.3% 70 |
31.9% 67 |
Total | 11.1% 49 |
14.9% 66 |
40.5% 179 |
33.5% 148 |