nœ 1  19/

Time started PM 2              Time finished           PM  Total minutes   20/21


I'm from The Roper organization and we're conducting a survey about things that are

happening today-

1.  considering both the availability and cast of things today, as well as your

    present financial circumstances, do you think now is a good time to buy things

    you want and need, or a good time.. to wait, or is it someplace in between?

                         Now is a good time to buy ...1     someplace in between  '.3     22/

                         Now is a good time to wait .2 Don't know     Y

2.  Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction

    today. or do you feel that things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong


                    Right direction                   1     Don't know     Y    23/

                    wrong track                       2

3.  what is your opinion of ~Qfl Federal Government departments and agencies?  There

    may be exceptions, of course, but would you say your opinion of most Federal

    Departments and agencies is highly favorable, or moderately favorable, or noc too

    favorable. or rather LLflfavorable?

              Highly favorable    1                         24/

              Moderately favorable                          .2

              Not too favorable    3

              Rather LLflfavorable 4

              Don't know           Y

                              a.    F.T.C. (Federal Trade Commission)          1              2              3              4     Y    2b~

                                    b.    F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of investigation) .1              2              3              4     Y    26/

                                    C.    o.S.H.A. (occupational safety and Health

                                          Administration)            2                             3              4     Y         27/

                              a.    F.C.C. (Federal Communications

                                    commission)               1           2              3              4     Y    28/

                              e.    N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautic and Space

                                    Administration)           1           2              3              4     Y    29/

    f.   B.A.T.F. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,

                                    and Firearms)             1           2              3              4     Y    30/

                              g.    I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service)                    1              2              3              4     Y    31/

                                    h.    F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Administration) .2              2              3              4     Y    32/

5.  Here is a list of some social problems.  (RAND RESPONDENT CARD)  For each one, please tell me if you think it

    affects œjjo more, less, or the same as the average person in this country?


                               LEqs  THœSAME

  a. Violent crime                1              2                3     Y    33/

  b. Pollution                    1              2                3     Y    34/

  C. Economic hardship            1              2                3     Y    35/

  d. Police brutality              ......1              2                   3     y    36/

  e. High taxes                   1              2                3     Y    37!

  f. Discrimination               1              2                3     Y    38/

6.  There has been talk about whether some problems in society have more of an impact

    or less of an impact on racial and ethnic n,inorities~than they have on other people. 

    (USING SAME CARD)  For each one, please tell me if you think it affects racial

    and ethnic minorities more. l~ss. or about the same as other people?


                       'OP'    Lœ~S  THESAMS

  a. Violent crime                1              2                3     y    39!

  b. Pollution                    1              2                3     y    40/

  c. Economic hardship            1              2                3     y    41/

  d. Police brutalitv             1              2                3     y    42/

  œ.                                               AssauiL .0

  g. Racketeering, extortion                            7'

  h. Drugs.~                                             a

  i. Prostitution                                       .9

  j. speculationandswindling                             0

  k. Other                                               1 46/

     Noneoftheabove(vol.)                                2

     Don'tknow                                           Y

8.                       of course, the problems we face in    9.  what about drunk driving? (HAND

                         our society often have many differ-       RESPONDENT CARD)  Using this card,

                         ent causes.  I am going to ask you        which three or tour things do you

                         about some different problems in          think are the man causes of people

                         society and for each one I want you       becoming drunk drivers?

                         to tell me what xz' think are the                                   DRUNK

                         major causes of each problem.                                      DRrVXNG

                         First, violent crime.  (HAND RESPON

                         DENT CARD)  Using this card, which    a. Livinginpoverty             1 


                         three or four things do you think     b. Parents not teaching

                         are the main causes of people com

                         mitting violent crimes?         right fromwrong                      2

                                               vrcLeNr         a. Being abused as a child     3

                                                  CRIMS        a. Drugabuse                   4

a.                Living in poverty                            1            47/     e. what people see in TV programs  S

b.                Parents not teaching                                              f. A lack of morals                6

                   right from wrong                            2                    g. Alack of education              7

c.                Being abused as a child                      3                    h. A person not seeing any harm in it   .8

d.                Drug abuse                                   4                    i. Apersonbeingirresponsible       9

e.                what people see in TV programs     S

                          j.                           Influenceoffriends  0

f.               A lack of morals                               S

g.               A lack of education                           7,    k.   Being unable to control drinking

h.               A person not seeing any harm in it            .8          because alcoholism is a

i.               A person being irresponsible                   9          disease  x

1                Influenceottriends                    0   1.  whatpeopleseeinmovies     Y

k.               Alcoholabuse                          x            ~     whatpeopleseeinadvertising    1    501

1.               what people see in movies                      Y    ~    Bartenders not being    responsible....2

m.  The advertising and marketing

                                  0.                   Lowchanceofbeingpunished          3

                  of toy guns, etc             1            42/

n. Guns being too easy to get          2     p. Friends and family not looking

0. Lowchance of being punished                                  3     out for each other           4

p.                Seeing pornography                           4                    None of these  S

                  None of these                                S             4'     Don'tknow      V

                               as well as its own employees.   L,t,LLu ulily ajy lflb

                                                     employees          2

    Do you think the IRS should use

                           outside contractors to contact tax-                    Doesn't matter (vol.) ...3

                           payers for the purpose of explaining

                           the options that are available for                    Don't know              Y

                           paying  taxes that are past due, or

                           should this be done only by IRS              13.    If you personally owed back taxes


                           employees?                                          the IRS, would it bother you more


                                                                receive a call from an outside


                             Use outside contractors .1                        tractor rather than an IRS


                                                                or wouldn't it make a difference

                             Done only by IRS                                  which one called?

                             employees               2

                                                                  would bother me more

                             Doesn't matter (vol.)  .3          G-ratedmovies              1              2          Y         31/

                                   g.      PG-13 rated movies                   1                        2     y    32/

                                   h.      Sneakersandshoes           1              2          Y         33/

                                   i.      Cereal          1          2     V    34/

                                   3.      Can&r;           1          2     Y    35/

                                   k.      Public service announcements about the

                                           dangersofdrugs. smokinganddrinking             1              2     Y    36/

                                   1.      Public service announcements about the

                                           dangersofunsafesex                             1              2     Y    37/

                                   m.      "900 type telephone numbers (recordings of music

                                           andmoviestars, triviagames. sportsupdates)          1              2     Y    38/

60. Which of these sources have you used in the last six months to get information on the nutritional content of food--either

    fresh or packaged food?  (HAnD RESPONDENT CARD)

                                     useorn    j 'nsr

                                     6MonrHS    USEFVL

                                        a.  Pamphletspublishedbyagovernmentagency             1            39/     I    1  40/

                                        b.  Pamphlets prepared by food companies              2                    I    2

                                        C.  whatotherpeoplehavetoldyouaboutnutritioninfood                    ....3                    I    3

                                        d.  Labels on food packages                           4                    I    ~

                                            coursesyoutookinschool                            S                    I    s

                                        f.  Advertisements for foodproducts                   6                    I    6

                                        g.  Newspaperarticles                                 7                    I    7

                                        h   Magazinearticles                                  8                         8

                                        1.  Televisionprograms                                9                    I    9

                                        nKCoos~ooks             0              0

                                   None .....x1(SKIP I  ~

                                   Don't know     ....yjTOE2)

61. of those you have used which one or two of those sources have you found rnos

  a.                          Food manufacturers           1              2              3              4     Y    41/

  b.                          supermarkets             1             2                   3              4     Y    42/

  c.                          Fast food restaurants                  1                   2              3              4     Y    43/

  d.                          Restaurantswithtableservice            1                   2              3              4     y    44/

  e.                          Govermantagencies            1              2              3              4     Y    45/

  f.                          Publicschools            1             2                   3              4     y    46/

  g.                          The media          1                   2                   3              4     Y    47/

65. Turning to something else, I'd like to talk with you now about games of chance,

    such as the lottery, off-track betting, casino gambling. and so forth.  (HAND

    RESPONDENT CARD)  For each of the types of gambling or games of chance on this card, please tell me whether or not you have done it

    in the past vepi.


                                       a.       Played games of

chance like Bingo sponsored by

                                                churchgroups. charitaMeorganizations, etc     1             2     Y    50/

                                       b.       Played any State-run

lottery games                          1                 2 Y                             51/

                                       c.       Betonahorserace                          .1   2    Y         52/

                                       d.       Bet on a dog race                        1    2    Y                53/

                                       e.       Bet on a Jai-Alai

(HIGH-lie) game                        1                 2 Y                             54/

                                       f.       Gambled at a casino                      1    2    Y                55/

                                       g.       Played card games

formoney. such as poker or black

                                                 jack. at a place other than a casino    1             2     Y    56/

                                       h.       Played non-legalized

numbers games                          1                 2                               57/

                                       i.       Placed sports bets.

such as at your place of work,

                                                 in a betting parlor. or through a bookie     1             2     Y    58/

                                                    I INTERVIEWER:  IF Ally ITEMS CIRCLED IN BOX, ASK Q.66.     rwqwi9-0

69. Now here is a list of a number' of different things.  (HAND RESPONDENT CARD) Would you read down that list and

    call off each one you personally have done in the last week, either at home or at work?

                                                  a.       Gone shopping for food            1     28/

                                                  b.       nought take-out food to eat at home              2

                                                  c.       nought a (special) foodproduct because of its nutritional content              3

                                                  d.       Boughibottledwater                4

                                                  e.       Used a credit card                S

                                                  f.       Gone into abank (business orpersonal)            6

                                                  g.       Donebankingbymail (businessorpersonal)           7

                                                  h.       Done banking by phone             B

                                                  i.       Usedanautornatictellermachine               9

                                                  j.       Used an ATM card to pay for a purchase           0

                                                  k.       Drankdecaffeinatedcoffee          x

                                                  1.       Drankdecaffeinatedtea             1     29/

                                                  rn.      Drankbeer                         2

                                                  n.       Drankwine                         3

                                                  0.       Drank a wine cooler               4

                                                  p.       Drank liquor                      S

                                                  q.       smokedeigarettes (l/2packormore)            S

                                                  r.       ~ade a long distance phone call (more than 100 miles) at home or

                                                            at work                          7

                                                  5.       Madeacollectphonecall             8

                                                  t.       Tookbottles/canstorecyclingcenter           9

                                                  U.       Returnedbottles/cans to store               a

                                                  V.       Put out bottles/cans. etc.. forcurbside recycling                              x

                                                  w.       Gonetochurchorreligiousservice              1                         30~

                                                           None                              2

                                                           Don~t know                        y

                        $ L]L]L]L]L].00

                       42/          43/  44/            45/  46/

               Refused . x



               Don't know . Y

72. Now I am going to ask you about non-essential spending in different categories. 

    without worrying how much it all adds up to right now, about how much money would

    you say your household spends in an average month on (read item)? If you aren't

    sure, just guess about how much.  (ASK ABOUT EACH)


                         AMoWfl'                  NONE 'WOW

                                                      a. Clothing for adults ... sL]L}[11Ifl.oo   x     Y    6/7/8/9

                                         b.   clothing for children . $ ~ .00  x    Y    10/11112/13

    c.   Movies, concerts,

                   sports events         $ ~ .00           x    Y    14/15/16

                   d.                    Dining out        $ LilfiLl .00  x    Y    17/18/19

                                    e.   Travel, weekend

                                         getaways                  ~ .00  x    20/21/22/23

    f.   Tapes. records, CDs,

                   videos, etc           $ IffiL-ILL. 00  x    Y    24/25/26

                                         g.   Things for the home ... $ [5{fl~~ .00 x    Y    27/28/29130

                   h.                    Reading materials

                                         (books, magazines and      rmmimi 00

                                         newspapers)    $ ~       x    V    31')2

I~m going to read a list of s6me characteristics people might have.  For each one,

would you tell ~rne which you think is more important in determining why people are

the way they are--heredity or environment?  First, (read item).  Is that more due to heredity or

environment?  (ASK ABOUT EACH ITEM)


                         (STATE- (STATE-        ~1n

                         MENT    MErn'  EQauœY  m&'T

                          A)      B)    CYOL.)

a.                         How well a person reads               1              2              3     Y    39

b.                                 whether a person is overweight or not ... 1            2              3     Y    40

c.  Whether a person is likely to have

                          a heart attack  1               2           3     y    41

d.                                 whether someone becomes an alcoholic .... 1            2              3     Y    42

e.  whether someone is a heterosexual or

                           homosexual              1             2              3     Y    43

f.                         whether someone is a great athlete              1              2              3     Y    44

g.                         Whether someone gets cancer           1                        2              3     y    45

h.                         whether someone becomes a great

                           artist or musician             1                2              3     Y         46

                    Veryconservative . 1             6/

              Moderately conservative .... 2                               D-S. Are you (CALL OFF APPROPRIATE

              Middle-of-the-road                       3       CATEGORIES):

              Moderatelyliberal                        4    Ahornernaker            1          11/

              Very liberal                             5    Unemplajed              2

              Don'tknow            Y          Astudent               3     (sKIP

D-2.                      Regardless of how you may have    Retired   4    TO fl-i)

                          voted in the past, what do you    Orwhat? (allother) .     Y

    usually consider yourself--a

                        Democrat, a Republican. some  D-6. what is your occupation? other

                        party or what?

                          Executive, administrative, management  1  12/

              Danocrat            1             7/     Top talent and maj or or lesser

               Republican          2                   professional   2

               Other specific party                             3     owner--small retail store/business 3

               Independent (Vol.)                               4     Farmers (owners and managers)      4

               No particular party (Vol.)                       S     Technicians, minoradministrative   S

               Refused             6                   white collar, clerical (non-supervisory)          .6

               Don'tknow           Y                   Salesmen       7

D-3 . Now here is a list of things some                      Skilled and semi-skilled labor    S

                          people do about government or      Unskilled labor                   9

                          politics.  (HAND RESPONDENT CARD)  Serviceandprotectiveworkers       0

                          Have you happened to have done

                          any of those things in the past

                          year?  (IF  YES')  Which ones?    (ASK EVERYONE)

                                                       fl-i.  Do you, or does anyone in your

a.                      writtenyourcongressmanorSenator  1  8/                                       family living here at home belong to

b.                      Attendedapolitical rally            a labor union?

                         or speech                      2                                         13/

c.                      Attendedapublicmeetingon         Respondencbelongstounion               1

                         town or school affairs           3  Other family member only belongs to

union                   .2

d.                      Heldorrunforpoliticaloffice ..  4    noonebelongstounion               3

e.                 Served on a committee for

                   some local organization              S    non't know     Y

f.                 Served as an officer of some

                    clubororganization             6      D-8.  Are you married, widowed, separated,

g.                 writtenalettertothepaper       7            divorced or have you never been

h.                 Signedapetition                     a          married?

i                  Worked forapolitical party          9Married               1     (ASK   


1                  Madeaspeech                         0                       D-9)

k.                 writtenanarticlefora                   Widowed         

                   magazine or newspaper               x             ..        (SKIP

                                             2 1 ~

1.                                         Seen a member of some group              Separated or divorce

                                            like the League of Women                                   d

                                           voters, or some other group                                       D-10)

                                           interestedinbettergovernment .  1  9/     Never been married.

                    (ASK EVERYONE)                       tiignscnooigraauate ~it,

n-b. Are you a parent or not?                            Somecollege(l3-lS)      S

                                College graduate (16)....  6

                Yes  1   16/            Post graduate (17+)      7 Yb       


                          0-16.     Here is a list of age


n-li. Are there any children living here (RAND RESPONDENT CARD)  Would

                               at home with you:  (RECORD FOR EACH        you call off the letter of the

                               CATEGORY) age group you happen to be in?

(IF REFUSED, INTERVIEWER ESTIAge 3 or younger?  Yes .  1  Yb .  2   17/         MA~E GROUP)

                                 a. 18 - 20       1      25/

Age 4 through 7?   Yes .  1   Yb .  2    18/               b. 21 - 24            2

Age 8 through 12?  Yes .  1      No .  2                 19/     C. 2$ - 29              3

                                 a. 30 - 34                4

Age 13 through 17? Yes .  1      No .  2                 20/     e. 35 - 39     S

D-12.                            Do you own your own home, rent it,   f.           40           - 44              6

                                 or do you have some other arrange-   g.           45           - 49              7

                                 ment such as living in the home of   h.           50           - 54              8

                                 your parents or children?            1.           55           - 59              9

                                                           ~. 60            - 64              0

                Own            1         21/               k. 65            - 69              x

                Rent    2                   1. 7oorolder       Y

                Live in home of parents  3

                Liveinhorneofchildren    4          D-17.    Now here is a list of income

                Other (vol.)   S              categories.  (HAND RESPONDENT

                                    CARD)  Would you call off the

D-13.          Do you consider yourself  the  male!               letter of the category that best

               female head of this  household or             describes the combined annual

               not?                 income of fli members of this

                                    household, including wages or

                Malehead       1    22/  -    salary. pensions, interest or

                Fernalehead    2              dividends, and all other


    Another ad~t living in

                             a.                 Under $7,000   1    26'

                the house          3

                             b.             $7,000 to $9,999     2

D-14.                        Do you personally do most of the    c. $10,000 to $14,999             3

                             grocery shopping for your house-    d. $15, 000 to $19,999            4

                             hold, or does somebody else do most e.$20,000toS24.999                S

                             of it?               f. $25,000 to $29,999                            6

                             g.           $30,000 to $34,999     7

               Respondent     1    23/        h. $35,000 to $39,999      8

               somebody else            2               i. $40,000 to $49,999..  .  9

               sharedequally (vol.) ....  3

                             I.           $50,000 to $74,999     0

                      TN~r'ERVIEWER RECORD

     Male                1         28/ White     1  29/

     Female              2             Black     2

                            Asian               3

                            Other ......  4 NAME


APT. *

CITY OR TOWN _____________________________

    srATS ________________________________

ZIP CODE ________________________________ (30-34)

AREACODE _________     TELEI _______________________ (35-44) bnFrH/DAY/YEAR _________________________________ (45 54)

                          pay of we~k.

             First Saturday               1       Wednesday           5     55,

             Sunday                    2          Thursday            S

             b'and~                    3          Friday              7

             Tuesday                   4          seconasaturday                8


INTERVIEWERS NAME:                                          II

