1. Survey digitization projects which are bringing retrospective material for humanists and social scientists to the Web; update the survey continuously; publish the results of the survey with hyperlinks from abstracts to appropriate Web pages.
  2. Survey research and teaching in the humanities and social sciences for innovative uses of information technology; update the survey continuously; publish the results of the survey with hyperlinks from abstracts to appropriate Web pages.
  3. Survey fixed population of independent research libraries (Independent Research Library Association), university and national research libraries (Association of Research Libraries), and college libraries (Oberlin Group) for innovative uses of information technology in presenting metadata, and for innovative discovery and retrieval techniques and search engines; update the survey continuously; publish the results of the survey with hyperlinks from abstracts to appropriate Web pages; promote adoption of best practices and tools.
  4. Commission study on divergence and convergence in library collections; perform statistically reliable survey of OCLC and RLG databases to measure replication of titles; analyze reports of special collecting in library literature for evidence of change in collecting patterns and rate of accession of special collections; promote collecting programs with unique targets.
  5. Based on projects (1) – (4), identify redundant and similar efforts; publish report on redundancy and promote coordination of unique projects.
  6. Promote EAD projects, particularly those of RLG.
  7. Continue work with other national organizations on long-term preservation of archival copies of digital information resources; commission articles for newspaper publication on archiving the Internet in order to achieve wider recognition of the preservation and archiving issues.
  8. Promote serious consideration of the e-print archive programs for more fields in STM and for the humanities and social sciences; commission a study of the impact of such programs on disciplines.
  9. Persuade NEH and other funding agencies to continue investing in finding aids and bibliographic projects; consider divergence of some of these projects from MARC and even EAD formats and guidelines for the sake of experimenting with intellectual access in new and perhaps more cost-effective modes.
  10. Commission a study on training and support programs targeting faculty and teaching assistants in the use of technology in teaching and research; publish the study on the Web with links; update continuously.
  11. Solicit articles and commentary from scholars on how libraries support or hinder research today.