Questionnaire for Implementation
(IMP) Respondents
Informed Consent Form
(See appendix B for Informed Consent Form.)
A. Number of IRs
1. How many institutional repositories (IRs)—general IRs, special-purpose IRs, and IRs in the pilot-testing phase—are available or will be available to members of your institution’s learning community in the near future?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 or more |
B. Specific IR implementation
Please answer the remaining 42 questions with the one IR in mind that offers the widest array of services to the most people and greatest number of constituencies (e.g., faculty members, students, staff, administrators, guests) in your institution’s learning community. Please feel free to message Soo Young Rieh ( with your questions or concerns.
C. Timelines and Funding
2. How long has your institution been involved with IRs (everything from planning, pilot testing IR systems, to system implementation)? Please enter the number of months.
3. How long has your IR been operational, that is, available to authorized users for submission and searching of digital content? Please enter the number of months.
D. Needs Assessment
4. Did your institution conduct a needs assessment prior to implementing an IR?
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
5a. How important were the results of the needs assessment for:
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Identifying first adopters of an IR |
Identifying especially active contributors to the IR |
Formulating IR policies |
Making the decision to implement an IR |
Increasing faculty awareness of the IR |
Recruiting digital content for the IR |
Streamlining IR planning and implementation |
Choosing an IR software package |
Scheduling the rollout of various IR services |
Identifying new services to build onto the IR |
Identifying preservation techniques |
Other (Please specify in question 5b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
5b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
E. Influences on IR Implementation Decision
6a. How important were the results of the following investigative activities in terms of influencing your institution’s decision about implementing an IR?
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Results of your institution’s needs assessment |
Learning about successful implementations at comparable institutions |
Learning about successful implementations at a wide range of academic institutions |
Learning about available expertise and assistance from a library consortium, network, group of libraries, etc. |
An analysis of a thorough literature review of IRs |
Learning from reports of other institutions’ IR planning, pilot testing IR software, and implementation activities to date |
Using other institutions’ operational IRs |
Demonstrating operational IRs to my institution’s decision-makers |
Demonstrating IR metadata harvesters such as OAIster and Google Scholar to my institution’s decision-makers |
Waiting for a critical mass of IR implementation at comparable institutions to happen |
Waiting for a critical mass of IR implementation generally to happen |
Identifying better digital preservation techniques |
Other (Please specify in question 6b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
6b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
F. Benefits of IRs
7a. At the beginning of IR planning at your institution, how important did you think these anticipated benefits of IRs would be to your institution?
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
A boost to your institution’s prestige |
Better service to contributors |
Better services to your institution’s learning community |
New services to learning communities beyond your institution |
Maintaining control over your institution’s intellectual property |
Capturing the intellectual capital of your institution |
Contributing to the reform of the entire enterprise of scholarly communication and publishing |
A reduction in the amount of time between discovery and dissemination of research findings to scholarly communities |
An increase in citation counts to your institution’s intellectual output |
Exposing your institution’s intellectual output to researchers in North America and around the world who would not otherwise have access to it through traditional channels |
An increase in the accessibility to knowledge assets such as numeric, video, audio, and multimedia datasets |
Providing maximal access to the results of publicly funded research |
A solution to the problem of preserving your institution’s intellectual output |
An increase in your library’s role as a viable partner in the research enterprise |
Reducing user dependence on your library’s print collection |
Longtime preservation of your institution’s digital output |
Other (Please specify in question 7b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
7b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
8a. Now that you are implementing or have implemented an IR, reassess these same anticipated benefits of IRs and tell whether you think they are less important or more important than you originally thought.
SU |
NC |
NO |
DK |
NA |
A boost to your institution’s prestige |
Better service to contributors |
Better services to your institution’s learning community |
New services to learning communities beyond your institution |
Maintaining control over your institution’s intellectual property |
Capturing the intellectual capital of your institution |
Contributing to the reform of the entire enterprise of scholarly communication and publishing |
A reduction in the amount of time between discovery and dissemination of research findings to scholarly communities |
An increase in citation counts to your institution’s intellectual output |
Exposing your institution’s intellectual output to researchers in North America and around the world who would not otherwise have access to it through traditional channels |
An increase in the accessibility to knowledge assets such as numeric, video, audio, and multimedia datasets |
Providing maximal access to the results of publicly funded research |
A solution to the problem of preserving your institution’s intellectual output |
An increase in your library’s role as a viable partner in the research enterprise |
Reducing user dependence on your library’s print collection |
Longtime preservation of your institution’s digital output |
Other (Please specify in question 8b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VMMI=Very much more important, SMI=Somewhat more important, NC=No change in importance; SLI=Somewhat less important, VMLI=Very much less important, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
8b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
G. People involved in the IR effort
9a. How active were people in the following positions in terms of leading the charge to get involved with IRs at your institution?
VA* |
SA |
SI |
VI |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Staff at a library network, consortium, or other affiliated group |
Your institution’s president or chancellor |
Your institution’s vice president or provost |
Faculty governance, e. g., faculty senate, faculty senate assembly, etc. |
Your institution’s chief information officer |
Your institution’s archivist |
Faculty members generally |
A faculty member in particular |
Library director |
Assistant library director(s) |
Library staff member(s) |
Graduate student (s) |
Undergraduate student(s) |
Other (Please specify in question 9b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VA=Very active, SA=Somewhat active, SI=Somewhat inactive, VI=Very inactive, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
9b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
10. Who is the individual leading IR implementation at your institution? (Choose one only.)
A faculty member in a particular college, department, or school |
Your institution’s chief information officer |
Your institution’s archivist |
Library director |
Assistant library director |
A library staff member |
No committee or committee chair has been appointed |
Other (please specify) |
11. If a committee is involved with IR implementation, identify the positions of the other people on this committee. (Please check all that apply.)
Staff from the office of the president or chancellor |
Staff from the office of the vice-president or provost |
Staff from the office of the chief information officer |
Staff from your institution’s legal office |
Your institution’s chief information officer |
Your institution’s archivist |
Library director |
Assistant library director |
Library staff member(s) |
Archives staff |
A faculty member in particular |
Graduate student(s) |
Undergraduate student(s) |
Committee members have not yet been appointed |
Other (please specify) |
12. How many people are involved in your institution’s IR implementation?
H. IR Responsibility
13a. What percentage of the responsibility for an operational IR has been given to various campus units? (Percentages must add up to 100%.)
% Your institution’s central administration |
% Your institution’s library |
% Your institution’s central computing unit |
% The office of the chief information officer |
% Your institution’s archives |
% Various academic colleges, departments, and schools |
% Other (Please specify in question 13b below) |
13b. If you provided a percentage for “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
I. Contributions to the IR
14. Who are authorized contributors to your institution’s IR? (Choose as many as apply.)
Faculty members |
Graduate students |
Undergraduate students |
Research scientists |
Librarians |
Archivists |
Your institution’s administrators |
Your institution’s press |
Your institution’s news service |
Your institution’s central computer services staff |
Academic support staff |
External contributors |
Other (please specify) |
15. Who is the major contributor to your institution’s IR? (Choose one only.)
Faculty |
Graduate students |
Undergraduate students |
Research scientists |
Librarians |
Archivists |
University and college administrators |
Computer services staff |
Academic support staff |
Other (please specify) |
16a. When planning for an IR, what did you think would be the most important reasons why members of your institution’s learning community would contribute to the IR?
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
To boost the particular scholar’s prestige |
To boost your institution’s prestige |
To contribute to the reform of the entire enterprise of scholarly communication and publishing |
To reduce the amount of time between discovery and dissemination of research findings to scholarly communities |
To increase citation counts to the particular scholar’s oeuvre |
To increase citation counts to your institution’s intellectual output |
To encourage other scholars to provide open access to their intellectual output |
To expose the particular scholar’s intellectual output to researchers in North America and around the world who would not otherwise have access to it through traditional channels |
To expose your institution’s intellectual output to researchers in North America and around the world who would not otherwise have access to it through traditional channels |
To place the burden of preservation on the IR instead of on individual faculty members |
To increase the accessibility to knowledge assets such as numeric, video, audio, and multimedia datasets |
To provide maximal access to the results of publicly funded research |
To solve the problem of preserving your institution’s intellectual output |
To increase the library’s role as a viable partner in the research enterprise |
To reduce user dependence on your library’s print collection |
Other (Please specify in question 16b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
16b. If you rated “Other’ for the question above, please specify in the box below.
17a. How would you assess your methods for recruiting digital content for the IR?
VS* |
SS |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Volunteer contributions |
Publicity about the IR in campus newspapers |
Presentations by staff responsible for the IR at departmental and faculty meetings |
Personal visits by staff responsible for the IR to faculty and administrators |
Staff responsible for the IR working one-on-one with early adopters |
Word-of-mouth from early adopters to their colleagues in the faculty and staff ranks |
Publicizing the IR during reference interactions in libraries and archives |
Systematic review of faculty, staff, center, and departmental web sites for potential contributors by staff responsible for the IR |
Institution-wide mandates regarding mandatory contribution of certain material types, e.g., doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, faculty preprints, etc. |
Other (Please specify in question 17b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VS=Very successful, SS=Somewhat successful, SU=Somewhat unsuccessful, VU=Very unsuccessful, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
17b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
J. IR Implementation
18a. What IR software package have you implemented? (Choose one only.)
Pilot Tested |
Implemented |
bePress |
CDSWare |
ContentDM |
DigiTool (Ex Libris) |
DiVA |
Documentum |
Dpubs |
DSpace |
Fedora |
GNU Eprints |
Greenstone |
HarvestRoad Hive |
Innovative Interfaces |
i-TOR |
Luna |
myCORE |
Sunsite |
Virginia Tech ETD software |
None |
Other (Please specify in question 18b below) |
18b. If you checked “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
19. How would you characterize your IR’s host? (Choose one only.)
A regional or state-based consortium |
A partnership that joins your institution with one or more comparable institutions |
Your institution only |
A for-profit vendor |
A not-for-profit vendor |
Other (please specify) |
20. What interoperability standards does your IR support? (Choose all that apply.)
IR supports OAI-MPH |
IR is OpenURL compliant |
IR materials use persistent identifiers |
Our institution’s federated searching includes the IR |
Other (please specify) |
21a. Based on your experience with IR implementation, how would you rate your chosen system with regard to these capabilities?
VA* |
SA |
SI |
VI |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Technical support |
Technical documentation |
Adherence to open access standards |
Scalability = System growth and enhancement |
Customization |
Extensibility = Access to other campus systems and data |
Supported file formats |
User authentication |
Formulating metadata for digital documents |
Browsing, searching, and retrieving digital content |
End-user interface generally |
Controlled vocabulary searching |
Authority control |
Digital preservation |
Other (Please specify in question 21b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VA=Very adequate, SA=Somewhat adequate, SI=Somewhat inadequate, VI=Very inadequate, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
21b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
22a. If your efforts to implement an IR involved pilot testing IR software packages, what were the most important benefits of the pilot testing?
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Giving demonstrations to people involved in the IR implementation decision |
Giving demonstrations to an institution (s) interested in partnering with us to encourage them in IR implementation |
Gauging the interest of potential contributors to the IR |
Gauging the interest of potential IR-system users |
Identifying the strengths and shortcomings of available IR software |
Estimating costs for the technical implementation of an operational IR |
Developing the requisite technical expertise for IR implementation |
Identifying first adopters of an IR at your institution |
Control over your institution’s intellectual output |
Preservation of your institution’s intellectual output |
Other (Please specify in question 22b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
22b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
23. If your efforts to implement an IR involved early adopters of IR technology, from what academic colleges, departments, schools, and service units have they come? (Choose all that apply.)
Your institution’s library |
Your institution’s central computing unit |
Your institution’s archives |
A particular academic college, department, or school |
A particular service unit |
Don’t know |
Not applicable |
Other (please specify) |
K. IR Content
24. Estimate the total number of digital documents that are published or in process in your IR.
25a. Estimate the number of digital documents that make up your IR’s collections. (Write in the amount or write in DK for Don’t Know or NA for Not Applicable.)
Preprints |
Working papers |
Books |
Journals |
Journal articles |
Maps |
Interview transcripts |
Sound recordings of interview transcripts |
Software |
Software documentation |
Video recordings of performances |
Blogs |
Interim and final reports to funding agencies |
Raw data files that result from faculty research projects |
Raw data files that result from doctoral dissertation research |
Raw data files that result from master’s thesis research |
Raw data files that result from senior thesis research |
Written papers or transcripts of conference presentations |
Conference presentations (e.g., summaries, abstracts, notes, outlines, remarks, etc.) |
Committee meeting agenda and minutes |
Committee meeting documents, e.g., budgets, reports, memoranda |
Your institution’s course catalogs |
Your institution’s newspapers |
Your institution’s alumni publications |
Faculty senate agendas and minutes |
College, departmental, and school alumni publications |
Regent, trustee, board meeting agendas and minutes |
Course syllabi, class notes, handouts, outlines, assignments prepared by faculty, lecturers, teaching assistants, and other professional teaching personnel |
Other learning objects such as simulations, models, software demonstration files, images, video prepared by faculty, lecturers, teaching assistants, and other professional teaching personnel |
Doctoral dissertations |
Master’s theses |
Senior theses |
Graduate student eportfolios |
Undergraduate student eportfolios |
Class notes, outlines, assignments, papers, and projects prepared by graduate students |
Class notes, outlines, assignments, papers, and projects prepared by undergraduate students |
Other (Please specify type of digital document in question 25b below) |
25b. If you entered an estimate for “Other” in the previous question, please specify in the box below.
26a. What file formats have you guaranteed contributors that you will preserve in perpetuity?
Guaranteed |
DK* |
NO |
NA |
Plain Text UTF-8 (Unicode) |
Plain Text ANSI X3.4/ECMA-6/US-ASCII (7-bit) |
Plain Text ISO 8859-x (8-bit) |
Plain Text (all other encodings, including, but not limited to ISO 646 national variants) |
Rich text |
TeX |
LaTeX |
Postscript |
Microsoft Word |
Microsoft Excel |
Microsoft PowerPoint |
Photo CD |
Photoshop |
Audio/Basic |
MPEG audio |
Real Audio |
Windows Media Audio |
Wave |
MPEG-1 |
MPEG-2 |
MPEG-4 |
Windows Media Video |
Quicktime |
Other (Please specify file format in question 26b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
26b. If you selected “Other” in the previous question, please specify in the box below.
L. IR Policies
27. Who is responsible for managing the IR’s intellectual property rights? (Choose all that apply.)
Contributors’ academic or service units |
One chosen academic unit |
One chosen service unit |
IR staff |
Library staff |
Archives staff |
Staff from the office of the chief information officer |
A company to which our IR is outsourcing |
Other (please specify) |
28a. What is the status of these IR policies?
NP* |
D |
I |
DK |
NA |
Determining what is acceptable content |
Defining collections |
Determining who is authorized to make contributions to the IR |
Restricting access to IR content |
Acceptable file formats |
Identifying metadata formats and authorized metadata creators |
Charging for IR services |
Formulating a privacy policy for registered IR system users |
Licensing IR content |
Updating IR content |
Withdrawing IR content |
Providing access management services |
Preserving IR content |
Revising IR policies in the future |
Authorizing external contributors |
Intellectual property |
Other (Please specify in question 28b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: NP=No policy; D=Drafted; I=Implemented; DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
28b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
M. IR Deployment
29a. To what extent do you think the following are likely to inhibit your ability to deploy a successful IR?
VL* |
SL |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Making members of your institution’s learning community aware of the IR |
Contributors’ lack of knowledge about how they can benefit from IRs |
Encouraging faculty to submit digital content to the IR |
Convincing faculty that the IR will not adversely affect the current publishing model |
Absence of campus-wide mandates regarding mandatory contribution of certain material types, e.g., doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, faculty preprints, etc. |
Contributors’ concerns about the difficulty using the IR system to contribute digital content to the IR |
Inability of contributors to formulate quality metadata |
Contributors’ concerns about intellectual property rights for digital materials |
Inadequacy of the IR system’s digital preservation capabilities |
Difficulties in long-term preservation of digital files |
Lack of on-campus technical expertise in IR systems |
Supporting all ongoing costs of an operational IR |
Competing for resources with other priorities, projects, and initiatives |
Other (Please specify in question 29b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VL=Very likely, SL=Somewhat likely, SU=Somewhat unlikely, VU=Very unlikely, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
29b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
N. Relationships
30. To what extent will an IR affect your institution’s ability to build relationships between the IR and other on-campus repositories (e.g., archives, student services, library systems, digital asset management systems, electronic course management systems, digital libraries)?
A big positive effect |
A moderate positive effect |
No effect |
A moderate negative effect |
A big negative effect |
A combination of positive and negative effects |
Don’t know |
No opinion |
Not applicable |
Other (please specify) |
O. Funding
31a. How likely is it that funding for your institution’s implementation of an IR will come from these sources?
VL* |
SL |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Special initiative supported by your institution’s central administration |
Special initiative supported by your institution’s library |
Special initiative supported by your institution’s central computer services |
Special initiative supported by your institution’s archives |
Special initiative supported by academic colleges, departments, and schools |
Regular budget line item for your institution’s central administration |
Regular budget line item for your institution’s library |
Regular budget line item for your institution’s central computer services |
Regular budget line item for your institution’s archives |
Regular budget line item for academic colleges, departments, and schools |
Costs absorbed in routine operating costs of your institution’s central administration |
Costs absorbed in routine operating costs of your institution’s library |
Costs absorbed in routine operating costs of your institution’s central computer services |
Costs absorbed in routine operating costs of your institution’s archives |
Costs absorbed in routine operating costs of your institution’s academic colleges, departments, and schools |
Grant awarded by an external source |
Grant awarded by an internal source |
Other (Please specify in question 31b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VL=Very likely, SL=Somewhat likely, SU=Somewhat unlikely, VU=Very unlikely, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
31b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
32a. What percentage of your IR’s annual budget is allocated to these categories? (Percentages must add up to 100%.)
% Staff (including benefits) |
% Hardware acquisition |
% Hardware maintenance |
% Software acquisition |
% Software maintenance and updates |
% System backup |
% Vendor fees (for IRs hosted by an external vendor) |
% Other (Please specify in question 32b below) |
32b. If you provided a percentage for “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
P. Future Migration
33. How long do you think your institution will stick to this IR system before migrating to a new system? (Please enter number of years.)
34. How likely are you to modify your IR’s software?
Very likely |
Somewhat likely |
Somewhat unlikely |
Very unlikely |
Don’t know |
No opinion |
Not applicable |
35a. What do you think will be the most important reasons for migrating to a new IR system?
VI* |
SI |
SU |
VU |
NO |
DK |
NA |
Greater capacity for handling preservation |
Friendlier user interface |
Advanced searching features |
Friendlier digital content submissions procedure |
Better tools for assisting contributors with metadata creation |
Around-the-clock technical support |
Greater versatility with the wide range of digital formats |
Greater opportunities for customization |
Greater versatility for linking to other campus systems and data |
Other (Please specify in question 35b below) |
* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable |
35b. If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.
36. What approaches have you used to date to assess your IR’s success? (Choose all that apply.)
Tracking number of contributions |
Tracking number of unique contributors |
Tracking number of searches |
Tracking number of users |
Tracking number of unique users |
Tracking number of queries |
Conducting interviews with IR contributors |
Conducting interviews with IR users |
Surveying IR contributors |
Surveying IR users |
Other (please specify) |
Q. Institutional Information
37. Please identify your position at your institution. (Choose one only.)
President or chancellor |
Staff in the office of the president or chancellor |
Vice president or provost |
Staff in the office of the vice president or provost |
Chief information officer |
Staff in the office of the chief information officer |
Archivist |
Archives staff |
Library director |
Assistant director of library public services |
Assistant director of library technical services |
Assistant director of library information technology |
Library staff |
Other (please specify) |
38. What is your connection to your institution’s IR?
39. Please identify your institution.
40. If your institution’s IR is available to the general public, please give its web address(es):
R. Follow-up information
41. How can the MIRACLE Project assist you regarding IRs?
42. If you would be willing to volunteer for follow-up questions via phone or email, please add your name and email address and we will contact you in the near future:
Name |
Thank you! If you have questions, please message Soo Young Rieh ( at the MIRACLE project. Thank you for your responses.