Questionnaire for No Planning
(NP) Respondents

Informed Consent Form

Thank you for being willing to participate in the MIRACLE Project. Our project’s objectives are to assess planning and implementation of institutional repositories (IRs) in educational institutions in the U.S. and to identify IR practices, policies, and operations. We will publish census results on the web and use them to characterize best practices and successful models of IRs.

Your participation will involve completing a web-administered questionnaire. Completing a questionnaire will take about 12 minutes. If you need to contact colleagues to answer questions, you can sign off, do your research, and sign onto the questionnaire at a later time.

At the conclusion of the questionnaire, we will ask you to volunteer your institution’s name so that we can make sure that we receive completed questionnaires from all U.S. educational institutions. We will also ask you to volunteer your name in case we need clarification or you want to participate in follow-up telephone interviews and/or case studies. We will keep identifying information separate from your responses.

Later this year, results of the census will be published at the MIRACLE Project website: http://miracle.

Participation in the census is voluntary. You may choose not to answer some questions and you may decide to withdraw from the study at any time. There is no known risk or discomfort you will have from your participation and there is no direct benefit.

Should you have questions concerning your rights as a research participant, you should contact the Institutional Review Board, James Sayer, 540 East Liberty Street, Suite 202, Ann Arbor, MI 48104- 2210, (734) 936-0933,

For all other questions about this study please contact MIRACLE Project investigators:

Soo Young Rieh

Karen Markey

Elizabeth Yakel

Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

School of Information

School of Information

School of Information

University of Michigan

University of Michigan

University of Michigan

304 West Hall

304 West Hall

304 West Hall

1085 So. University Ave.

1085 So. University Ave.

1085 So. University Ave.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

(734) 647-8040

(734) 763-3581

(734) 763-3569

I have read the information in this consent form, and I agree to participate in this study.

I agree

I do not agree

A.        About IR Planning

1a.       Please rate the importance of each reason for describing why no planning for an IR has been done at your institution to date.








We want to assess IRs at other institutions generally before taking the plunge

We want to assess IRs at institutions like our own before taking the plunge

We are waiting to join a consortium, partnership, or group

We do not understand or believe in the value or effectiveness of an IR

We do not need an IR

We will outsource IR services to another institution, consortium, partnership, or group

We are waiting for funding to support planning

We have no available resources to support planning

We have no in-house expertise for planning

Other priorities, issues, activities, etc., are more pressing than an IR

We are not convinced that an IR would benefit our institution’s learning community

We have no support from our institution’s administration

We have no support from our library’s administration

We have no support from our institution’s information technology group

We doubt members of our institution’s learning community will contribute to an IR

Other (Please specify in question 1b below)

* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable

1b.       If you rated “Other” for the previous question, please specify in the box below.

2a.       How important are each of the following to your institution?








What other institutions generally are doing with regard to IRs

What institutions comparable to my own are doing with regard to IRs

What is the impetus for IR planning and implementation at other institutions generally

What is the impetus for IR planning and implementation at institutions comparable to my own

How to interest my institution’s administration in IR planning

How to interest my library’s administration in IR planning

How to interest an institution(s) in partnering with us on an IR

How to interest a consortium, partnership, group, library network, etc., in IR planning

Whether members of my institution’s learning community will contribute to our IR

Whether members of my institution’s learning community will use our IR

An IR as an accepted “best practice” in the profession

How much it costs to plan for an IR

How much it costs to implement an IR

How much it costs to maintain an IR

How much it costs to migrate to a new IR

Other (Please specify in question 2b below)

* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable

2b.       If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.

B.        Potential Contributors to an IR

3.         If your institution eventually does make the decision to implement an IR, who do you think would be authorized contributors to the IR? (Choose as many as apply.)

Faculty members

Graduate students

Undergraduate students

Research scientists



Your institution’s administrators

Your institution’s press

Your institution’s news service

Your institution’s central computer services staff

Academic support staff

External contributors

Other (please specify)

4.         If your institution eventually does make the decision to implement an IR, how easy do you think it will be to get faculty to contribute to the IR?

Very easy

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult

Very difficult

No opinion

Don’t know

Not applicable

5.         If your institution eventually does make the decision to implement an IR, how easy do you think it will be to get other members of the learning community to contribute to the IR?

Very easy

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult

Very difficult

No opinion

Don’t know

Not applicable

C.        Benefits of IRs

6a.       How important do you think these anticipated benefits of IRs would be to your institution?








A boost to your institution’s prestige

Better service to contributors

Better services to your institution’s learning community

New services to learning communities beyond your institution

Maintaining control over your institution’s intellectual property

Capturing the intellectual capital of your institution

Contributing to the reform of the entire enterprise of scholarly communication and publishing

A reduction in the amount of time between discovery and dissemination of research findings to scholarly communities

An increase in citation counts to your institution’s intellectual output

Exposing your institution’s intellectual output to researchers in North America and around the world who would not otherwise have access to it through traditional channels

An increase in the accessibility to knowledge assets such as numeric, video, audio, and multimedia datasets

Providing maximal access to the results of publicly funded research

A solution to the problem of preserving your institution’s intellectual output

An increase in your library’s role as a viable partner in the research enterprise

Reducing user dependence on your library’s print collection

Longtime preservation of your institution’s digital output

Other (Please specify in question 6b below)

* Key to abbreviations: VI=Very important, SI=Somewhat important, SU=Somewhat unimportant, VU=Very unimportant, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable

6b.       If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.

D.        Speculating on IR Planning in the Future

7.         How likely is your institution to get involved in IR planning in the near term (the next 12 months)?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

No opinion

Don’t know

Not applicable

8.         How likely is your institution to get involved in IR planning in the medium term (the next 1 to 3 years)?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don’t know

No opinion

Not applicable

9.         What would have to happen for IR planning to begin at your institution? (Choose all that apply.)

We receive approval from our institution’s administration

We receive approval from our library’s administration

We receive approval from our institution’s information technology group

We receive funding from our institution’s administration

We receive funding from our library’s administration

We receive funding from our institution’s information technology group

We have evidence of successful IR demonstration projects at a comparable institution

We have evidence of successful IR demonstration projects at other institutions generally

We secure outsourcing for IR services from another institution, consortium, or group

We receive additional personnel resources to support planning

We are convinced that our institution’s learning community would contribute to it

We reassess our institution’s current priorities, issues, and activities

Other (please specify)

10a.     How active do you think that the people in these positions would have to be to light the spark for IR planning at your institution?








Staff at a library network, consortium, or other affiliated group

Your institution’s president or chancellor

Your institution’s vice president or provost

Faculty governance, e. g., faculty senate, faculty senate assembly, etc.

Your institution’s chief information officer

Your institution’s archivist

Faculty members generally

A faculty member in particular

Library director

Assistant library director(s)

Library staff member(s)

Graduate student (s)

Undergraduate student(s)

Other (Please specify in question 10b below)

* Key to abbreviations: VA=Very active, SA=Somewhat active, SI=Somewhat inactive, VI=Very inactive, NO=No opinion, DK=Don’t know, NA=Not applicable

10b.     If you rated “Other” for the question above, please specify in the box below.

E.        Identifying You and Your Institution

11.       Please identify your position at your institution. (Choose one only.)

President or chancellor

Staff in the office of the president or chancellor

Vice president or provost

Staff in the office of the vice president or provost

Chief information officer

Staff in the office of the chief information officer


Archives staff

Library director

Assistant director of library public services

Assistant director of library technical services

Assistant director of library information technology

Library staff

Other (please specify)

12.       What is your connection to your institution’s IR?

13.       Please identify your institution.

14.       How can the MIRACLE Project assist you regarding IRs?

15.       If you would be willing to volunteer for follow-up questions via phone or email, please add your name and email address and we will contact you in the near future:



Thank You!

If you have questions, please message Soo Young Rieh ( at the MIRACLE Project. Thank you for your responses.