CLIR Survey for Digital Cultural Heritage Initiatives
1. Organization Name:
2. DCHI Name (if different from above):
3. Contact Information:
(Contact Person)
(Organization/DCHI URL)
4. Type of DCHI (personal membership, organization membership, consortium, federation, other):
5. Mission/Purpose:
6. Personnel directly involved with DCHI operations:
(Names, titles)
7. Governance Structure
Board Members (names, titles, institutional affiliations):
Committees, Advisory Groups, Task Forces, other:
8. Product/Service offered:
9. Relationships with other organizations:
(Names of organizations)
(Type of relationship: parent, sponsor, affiliate, member, funder, other)
10. How did the creation of the DCHI come about?
11. Was a needs assessment conducted prior to establishing operations? If yes, what were the results?
12. Source of Financial Support:
(Business model)
(Financial managment)
13. Sustainability Issues:
(Problems in achieving)
(Problems in sustaining)