Web address was valid as of December 2, 2002

Kyrillidou, Martha. 2002. “The State of Preservation in University Libraries, 2000-2001, A Review of the IMLS and ARL Preservation Surveys.” Presented at ALA/ALCTS 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, June 16, 2002. Available at http://www.arl.org/stats/pres/imls/ala_0602_files/frame.htm.

Mohlhenrich, Janice, compiler. 2001. Preservation and Digitization in ARL Libraries, A SPEC Kit. (SPEC Kit 262). Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries.

Price, Laura, and Abby Smith. 2000. Managing Cultural Assets from a Business Perspective. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, in cooperation with the Library of Congress.

Young, Mark, Martha Kyrillidou, and Julia Blixrud, eds. 2002. ARL Preservation Statistics 2000-2001, A Compilation of Statistics from the Members of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries.