Project DIANA-Digital Collections Inventory

Commission on Preservation and Access

Council on Library Resources

Commission on Preservation and Access

Digital Collections Inventory Report

Preliminary Results

By Patricia A. McClung
February 1996

Project DIANA: University of Cincinnati College of Law

DIANA is an on line collection of human rights documents, from the University of Cincinnati and other collections (it honors Diana Vincent-Daviss, a recently deceased law librarian who was devoted to human rights issues). The concentration is on the core instruments of human rights with plans to expand to include primary and secondary materials at a later date. Current digitization is of the resolutions of the Organization of African Unity and the Dumbarton Oaks papers of the 1940s. The initial focus is on legal materials, but the scope will eventually encompass other human rights literature. Bitmapped images are captured first; Intelligent Character Recognition (1CR) is used to obtain ASCII text, which is then marked up in SGML. Long term availability issues have driven many of the technical decisions (including the choice of TEI/SGML and ASCll).

Contact: Taylor Fitchett, Law Library Director; 513/556-0159;