Making of America-Digital Collections Inventory

Making of America-Digital Collections Inventory

Commission on Preservation and Access

Council on Library Resources

Commission on Preservation and Access

Digital Collections Inventory Report

Preliminary Results

By Patricia A. McClung
February 1996

Making of America (Cornell University and the University of Michigan)

A major digital library project, Making of America intends to preserve and make available in electronic form a significant corpus of primary source material on the history of the United States. During the first phase, Cornell University will collaborate with the University of Michigan; additional partners may join the project in later phases. Initially, 10,000 monographs documenting the period from 1850-1877 will be selected, scanned, and made available online beyond traditional institutional boundaries. A principle reason for a project of this scale is to provide sufficient texts and resources in a coherent subject area to enable substantive evaluation of the potential impact that widely available, networked digital collections can have on research and teaching.

Contact: Anne R. Kenney, Cornell University;; 607/255-6875