Home > CLIR Publications > CLIR Reports > A Green New Deal for Archives
Eira Tansey
July 2023. 50 pp. (electronic only)
CLIR pub 185
Archivists preserve the records of the past for the future through their stewardship of archives. As the world moves toward a future that looks increasingly uncertain, frightening, and chaotic because of the impacts of climate change, preservation of the historical record is essential both for continuity of cultural memory and civil society, and for documentation of the ongoing permanent alteration of natural and human environments. A Green New Deal for Archives tackles the pressing challenges faced by archives globally, including the immediate and long-term risks associated with climate change and inadequate staffing. Drawing inspiration from the U.S. New Deal of the Great Depression era, author Eira Tansey proposes a public policy program that intertwines both challenges and offers a blueprint for their resolution.
A Green New Deal for Archives is part of the 2023 Pocket Burgundy series, which features concise publications on various topics within the information and cultural heritage communities.
Council on Library and Information Resources
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