Preservation and Access International Newsletter Survey

Preservation and Access International Newsletter


Name and title:




We would be grateful for your response to the following
questionnaire. Please print out and complete by April 7, 2000. Return by fax
to Kathlin Smith, +1-202-939-4765. If you cannot fax, please mail
to CLIR at 1755 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Suite 500,
Washington, D.C. 20036. Feel free to use an additional blank page for
more lengthy comments. Please use a black pen, if possible.


1. Do you share this newsletter with anyone else in
your institution? Yes ___ No ___

If so, what is their position?

2. How often do you use the Web?

a. Are you able to retrieve

___ text only
___ text and image
___ PDF files

b. How much do you rely on the Web to stay abreast of
professional information?

___ a great deal
___ somewhat
___ not very much

c. Which, if any, Web sites or electronic publications do
you read regularly?

3. What do you like about this newsletter?

4. Are there any specific articles that have been
especially useful to you?

5. This newsletter was established to inform readers about
new projects worldwide and enable them to make
connections with project managers. Is this networking function useful?

6. Have you or your institution embarked on any
collaborative projects with people who were identified through
this newsletter?

7. Please rank the following topics in order of their
importance to you. (Assign “1” to the most important topic, and “4”
to the least important.)

___ information about developments in the management
of digital information.
___ information about developments in the preservation
of analog information and artifacts.
___ information about developments in scholarly
___ information about training or other projects to build
capacity in information management.

8. What new topics would you like us to include, or which topics would you like us to address more often?

9. What other newsletters, journals, or professional
publications do you read?

10. Are there organizations or projects that CLIR should
know about? What international efforts should we be aware of?

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