Projects and Publications

Projects and Publications

The projects and publications below represent only a selection of the work undertaken by CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows during their tenure.

Online archives and exhibitions

Black at Bryn Mawr (Monica Mercado, Bryn Mawr College, 2014-2016)

Cartographic Perspectives: From the New World to Your World (Lauren Coats, Lehigh University, 2007-2008)

Chymistry of Isaac Newton (Meridith Beck Sayre, Indiana University, 2014-2016)

Civil War Washington: Studies in Transformation (Wesley Raabe, University of Nebraska, 2006-2008)

Early Advertising Collection (Christa Williford, Bryn Mawr College, 2004-2006)

Global Middle Ages (Ece Turnator, Univerity of Texas-Austin, 2013-2015)

I Remain – A Digital Archive of Letters, Manuscripts, and Ephemera (Meg Norcia, Lehigh University, 2004-2005)

The Katrina Thomas Ethnic Wedding Photograph Collection (Tracie Wilson, Bryn Mawr College, 2007-2008)

Likenesses Within the Reach of All: Southern Cartes-De-Visite of the A.S. Williams III Americana Collection (Christopher Sawula, University of Alabama, 2014-2015)

Matthew Parker’s Printed Books: An Online Catalogue of Scribal Additions (Alexandra Bolintineanu, University of Toronto, 2013-2015)

NC SLAAP: The North Carolina Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (Amanda French, North Carolina State University, 2004-2006)

Portraits of Actors, 1720-1920 (Dawn Schmitz, University of Illinois, 2004-2007)

The Roman de la Rose Digital Library (Tim Stinson, Johns Hopkins University, 2006-2008)

The Vault at Pfaff’s – An Archive of Art and Literature by New York’s Nineteenth-Century Bohemians (Meg Norcia, Lehigh University, 2004-2005)

Online finding aids

Finding Aid to the Documents Pertaining to the Adjudication of Private Land Claims in California, circa 1852-1892 (Michelle Morton, University of California-Berkeley, 2005-2006)

Zdenka and Stanley B. Winters Czech and Slovak Poster Collection, 1920-1991 (Patricia Hswe, University of Illinois, 2004-2006)

Theresa Helburn Theatre Collection Guide (Christa Williford, Bryn Mawr College, 2004-2006)

Online teaching and learning resources

Assessing through Interviews the Data Management Behaviors and Needs of an Earth and Environmental Sciences Academic Department (Ting Wang, Lehigh University, 2012-2014, with Brian Simboli)

Bryn Mawr Women in Science (Jessica Linker, Bryn Mawr College, 2017-2019; Rachel Starry, University at Buffalo, 2018-2020)

Conservation and Digitization: A Technologizing of the Book as an Object (Alberto Campagnolo, Library of Congress, 2016-2018)

DASH Digital Arts Sciences + Humanities (Justin Schell, University of Minnesota, 2013-2015)

Data Management at Vanderbilt University Libraries (Morgan Daniels, Vanderbilt University, 2014-2016)

Data Needs Assessment Survey Instrument (Natsuko Nicholls and Fe Sferdean, University of Michigan, 2012-2014)

Demystifying Digital Scholarship: Session 1, McMaster University (Paige Morgan, McMaster University, 2014-2016)

Directions in Digital Humanities (Rachel Deblinger, University of California-Santa Cruz, 2014-2016)

EZID (Jonathan Cachat, University of California, Davis, 2013-2015)

Global News Village: Virtual Information Literacy Learning and Growing Environment (Dawn Schmitz, University of Illinois, 2004-2007)

Providing Access to Restricted Data in Our Institutions (Sarah Pickle, Pennsylvania State University, 2014-2015)

Rediscovering EarthCube: Research Lifecycle, Functional Areas, and Gap Analysis (Plato Smith, University of New Mexico, 2014-2016)

The Role of Interdisciplinary GIS and Data Curation Librarians in Enhancing Authentic Scientific Research in the Classroom. (B. Dewayne Branch, Purdue University, 2012-2014, with M. Fosmire)

Un esfuerzo por el bienestar de Huayhuash.” National Geographic En Español (Tim Norris, University of Miami, 2014-2016)

Wikidata: Becoming an Editor Workshop (Katherine Thornton, Yale University, 2016-2018)

Web resource inventories, research guides, and online reference tools

Digital Humanities – Net Tools (Mitch Fraas, University of Pennsylvania, 2011-2013; see also My Five: Top Digital Humanities Tools from Mitch Fraas)

Inventory of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Digital Projects (Patricia Hswe, University of Illinois, 2004-2006)

Latin Americana: Mexican and Central American Collections (Michelle Morton, University of California-Berkeley, 2005-2006)

UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology (Elizabeth Waraksa, UCLA, 2007-2009)

UCLA LibGuide for the Ancient Near East and Egypt (Elizabeth Waraksa, UCLA, 2007-2009)

Portals, Wikis, Blogs

The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education (Jennifer Redmond, Bryn Mawr College, 2011-2013)

ArchivesEducate (Charlotte Nunes, Southwestern University, 2014-2015)

Antiquities Expert Provides Fascinating Insight Into Museum Exhibition (Jacqueline Clements, University of Toronto, 2015-2017)

Athens through a Panoramic Lens (Jacqueline Clements, University of Toronto, 2015-2017)

A Book Fit for Two Kings (Laura Aydelotte, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-2016)

Building a User-Friendly RDM Maturity Model (John Borghi, California Digital Library, 2016-2018)

Data Management as a Practice (Mara Sedlins, Duke University, 2016-2018)

(Educational) Film of the Week: A Shooting Gallery Called America (NBC, 1975) (Dimitrios Latsis, Internet Archive, 2015-2017)

EthicShare Community (Cecily Marcus, University of Minnesota, 2005-2008)

A Historian in the Stacks: Finding a Professional Home in the Library (Annie Johnson, Lehigh University, 2014-2016)

How Do We Find Geospatial Data? (Smiti Nathan, Johns Hopkins University, 2018-2020)

Identifying and Referencing Network Data (Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014-2016)

Making a digital medieval manuscript (Bridget Whearty, Stanford University, 2013-2015)

Moving Image Archive: New Tools for Digitization work with Educational Films Collection (Dimitrios Latsis, Internet Archive, 2015-2017)

A New Fund of Amusement: Annotating 18th-Century Word Games (Philip Palmer, Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies, UCLA, 2014-2016)

Preserving Digital Scholarship in Perseids: An Exploration (Fernando Rios, Johns Hopkins University, 2015-2017, with Bridget Almas)

Preserving Virtual Reality at OU Libraries (Zack Lischer-Katz, University of Oklahoma, 2016-2018)

Provenance Online Project (Laura Aydelotte, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-2016)

Research Lifecycle Model at UM (Fe Sferdean, University of Michigan, 2012-2014)

The Seaside Research Portal: Archiving the First New Urban Community (Matthew Sisk, Notre Dame University, 2013-2015)

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014-2016)

Soft Architectures, Archives + Technology + Media (Alexandra Chassanoff, MIT, 2016-2018)

Towards Strategies for Making Legacy Software Curation-Ready, Program on Information Science, MIT Libraries (Alexandra Chassanoff, MIT, 2016-2018)

Unique at Penn (Mitch Fraas, University of Pennsylvania, 2011-2013)

Wikidata as a digital preservation knowledgebase (Katherine Thornton, Yale University, 2016-2018, with Euan Cochrane)

Select publications by current or former fellows

AlNoamany Yasmin, John A. Borghi. “Towards computational reproducibility: researcher perspectives on the use and sharing of software.” PeerJ Computer Science 4:e163, 2018.

Asher, Andrew D., Lynda M. Duke, and Suzanne Wilson. “Paths of Discovery: Comparing the Search effectiveness of EBSCO Discovery Service, Summon, Google Scholar, and Conventional Library Resources.” College and Research Libraries, July 2013.

Asher, Andrew D. “Paths of Discovery: Metadata/Slavic & East European Information Resources, vol. 8, nos.2/3 (2008): 127-136.

Branch, B.Dewayne. “Libraries and Spatial Literacy: Toward Next-Generation Education.” College & Undergraduate Libraries, vol.21, no.1 (2014).

Brown, Meaghan. “The Fragmented Armada: The Transmission of an Armada News Pamphlet,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 53, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 107-130.

Calvert, Scout. “Second Life Librarianship and the Gendered Work of Care in Technology.”  PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 9, no.2 (fall/winter 2014): 24-42.

Campagnolo, Alberto, Erin Connelly, and Heather Wacha. “Labeculæ Vivæ: Building a Reference Library of Stains for Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts.” Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies 4, no. 2 (2019): 401-416.

Chassanoff, Alexandra, Micah Altman. “Curation as ‘Interoperability With the Future’: Preserving Scholarly Research Software in Academic Libraries.” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, May 23, 2019.

Chassanoff, Alexandra, Yasmin AlNoamany, Katherine Thornton, John Borghi. “Software Curation in Research Libraries: Practice and Promise.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (2018).

Dean, Gabrielle. “Teaching by the Book: The Culture of Reading in the George Peabody Library.” Past or Portal?  Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives (Chicago: ACRL, 2012): 12-23.

Dinsman, Melissa. “The Digital in the Humanities: A Special Interview Series“, Los Angeles Review of Books, March – August, 2016.

Fraas, Mitch. “Primary Sources at a Distance: Researching Indian Colonial Law.” Center for Research Libraries Global Resources Network, vol. 32, no. 1 (2012). See also: Legal Databases: Comparative AnalysisREVIEW: LLMC-DigitalREVIEW: HeinOnline.

Jackson, Timothy F., editor. Selected Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay : An Annotated Edition.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.

Kouper, Inna, Katherine Akers, and Matthew Lavin. “Data Curators at Work: Focus on Projects and Experiences.” Bulletin, vol.40, no.1 (2013): 45-46.

Kouper, Inna, Gretchen Gueguen, Sam Meister, and Trevor Muñoz. “The practice of data curation.” 360o : Analysis and discussion in the round, Archive Journal, 3 (2013).

Kratz, John and Carly Strasser. “Data publication consensus and controversies.” F1000Research, 3:94 (2014).

Littman, Mark, and Todd Suomela. “Crowdsourcing, the great meteor storm of 1833, and the founding of meteor science.” Endeavour, vol 38, no. 2 (2014): 130-138.

Maclachlan, John; Noah Shenker; and Jeff Trzeciak, 2011.  Engaging the campus community through new roles and new relationships: The McMaster University Library Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. College and Undergraduate Libraries, v. 18, p. 200-212.

Miller, Kelly. “The Slavist in the Digital World: Creating Scholarly Resources in Partnership with Librarians at the University of Virginia.” Slavic and East European Information Resources 9:1 (2008): 43-52.

— and Nafpaktitis, Margarita. The Firebird and the Factory: Modern Russian Children’s Books. Exhibition catalog. University of Virginia Library. 2007.

Norcia, Megan A. “Out of the Ivory Tower Endlessly Rocking: Collaborating across Disciplines and Professions to Promote Student Learning in the Digital Archive.” Pedagogy 2008 8(1):91-114.

Palmer, Philip. “An Impression along the Verge: Annotated Books and the Material History of Reading,”  The Center and Clark Newsletter, no.60 (2014) : 4-5.

Quinless, Jacqueline M. and Shahira Khair. “The Enduring Potential of Data: An assessment of researcher data stewardship practices at the University of Victoria,” January 2019.

Rentfrow, Daphnée. “The CLIR Fellowship and Academic Librarianship, or Frodo Meets Google.” In Advances in Librarianship vol. 30, Danuta A. Nitecki and Eileen G. Abels, eds., 2006.

—. “The Content of Collaboration.” EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 42, no. 3 (May/June 2007): 8–9.

—. “Groundskeepers, Gatekeepers, and Guides: How to Change Faculty Perceptions of Librarians and Ensure the Future of the Research Library.” In No Brief Candle: Reconceiving Research Libraries for the 21st Century. Council on Library and Information Resources, 2008.

Rios, Fernando. “The Pathways of Research Software Preservation: An Educational and Planning Resource for Service Development.” D-Lib Magazine vol. 22 no.7/8 (July/August 2016).

Schmitz, Dawn. The Seamless Cyberinfrastructure: The Challenges of Studying Users of Mass Digitization. and Institutional Repositories. Council on Library and Information Resources, 2008.

Shore, Edward. “The Quilombo Activists’ Archive and Post-Custodial Preservation, Part I.” NOT EVEN PAST, March 14, 2019.

—. “The Quilombo Activists’ Archive and Post-Custodial Preservation, Part II.” NOT EVEN PAST, May 13, 2019.

Sisk, Matthew and Heidi Beidinger-Burnett, Lacey Ahern, Michelle Ngai, and Gabrielle Filippelli. 2018. Inconsistent Screening for Lead Endangers Vulnerable Children: Policy Lessons from South Bend and Saint Joseph County, Indiana, USA. Journal of Public Health Policy.

Thornton, Katherine and Euan Cochrane, Thomas Ledoux, Bertrand Caron, and Carl Wilson. 2017. Modeling the Domain of Digital Preservation in Wikidata. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Digital Preservation, Kyoto, Japan.

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. “Digging into Archaeological Data.” EDUCAUSE Review 46(5) (September/October 2011).

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. Female Figurines from the Mut Precinct: Context and Ritual Function. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 240. Fribourg: Academic Press; Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.

Waraksa, Elizabeth A. Contributions to the Guide to Reference. Ed. Robert Kieft. American Library Association, 2008- Foreign Language dictionary entries for Akkadian, Coptic, Egyptian, Hittite, Indo-European, Sumerian, and Syriac.

Watson, Amanda; Amanda French; Patricia Hswe; Christa Williford. “Of Hybrarians, Scholar-Librarians, Academic Refugees, & Feral Professionals.” In #alt-academy: a mediacommons project. Edited by Bethanie Nowviskie. MediaCommons. 2011.

Wrublewski, Donna T., George S. Porter, Joy Painter, Kristin Buxton, and Lindsay B. Cleary. “Evolving library services in the ever-changing world of chemical information: From printed to electronic to networked.” In: 248th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA. (Unpublished).

Microgrant Projects

In 2014 with generous support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CLIR created a microgrant project fund that provides data curation fellows the opportunity to promote collaborative research addressing problems shared across institutions. Ideas are developed in collaboration with colleagues in the fellowship with input from scholars and experts in the relevant areas. Projects facilitate work that ultimately benefits the broader scholarly and professional communities.

In 2017, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation joined the Mellon Foundation in supporting fellows’ microgrants. The following projects have been funded to date.

[Note: Fellows are identified by the institution where they are conducting/conducted their fellowships. For a complete list of all fellows with current affiliations, consult the list of Current and Previous Fellows.]

Algorithm Capture: A Symposium on Teaching and Learning with Algorithms will be a two‐day symposium at the University of Toronto Mississauga in spring 2020. The symposium will bring together experts in the study of the social and intellectual impacts of algorithms. Participants will spend their time together testing and refining pedagogical materials while exploring new approaches to teaching digital methods and tools. Prior to the symposium, the project team will draft and prototype materials and invite additional contributions through a call for proposals. Participants will be selected with an eye for diversity of insight into the range of ways algorithms are reshaping society, mixing those who study and teach the technological construction of algorithms, the policy and societal consequences of algorithmic proliferation, and the long-view historical, philosophical, and cultural context for algorithms’ current role. Participants will be chosen for their willingness to engage in collaborative thought exercises and ultimately share their jointly-produced work under open access models.
Principal Investigator: Seth Erickson, Pennsylvania State University
Project Partners: Chris J. Young, University of Toronto Mississauga; Wendy Hoi Yan Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Justin D. Shanks, Montana State University; Andrew Meade McGee, Carnegie Mellon University

Capacity Assessment of Latin American and Caribbean Partners: A Symposium about Open-Access, Technological Needs, and Institutional Sustainability centers the voices of a group of archives in Latin America and the Caribbean by providing a forum for stakeholders in the region to come together in conversation to share strategies and identify common areas of need. This steps outside the neoliberal model of post-custodial archiving and creates an opportunity for digital archiving to be driven by archives, libraries, and scholars in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recommendations for working with archives and libraries in the region will be formulated by these stakeholders based on the needs of these content producers and the particular challenges faced in their respective regions.
Principal Investigator: Hadassah St. Hubert, Florida International University
Project Partners: Jennifer Isasi, The University of Texas at Austin; Nicté Fuller Medina, The University of California, Los Angeles; and Margie Montañez, The University of New Mexico

The Pedagogy of Digitization: Guatemalan Records of Human Rights and Historical Memory reimagines the process of digitizing and describing archival materials as a pedagogical practice by identifying, documenting, and sharing resources that will allow digitization projects to treat each step in the digitization workflow as an opportunity for teaching and engagement through learning. Through work with Guatemala’s Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo, this project will develop a bilingual website where documentation aimed at Spanish and English-speaking audiences will be stored and shared.
Principal Investigator: Alex Galarza, Haverford College
Project Partner:Hannah Alpert-Abrams, The University of Texas at Austin

Improving reproducibility with gamification in Whole Tale investigates ways to encourage better preservation of published research by testing the impact of gamification elements on the deposit and curation process.
Principal Investigator:  Qian Zhang, University of Waterloo
Project Partner: Ana Trisovic, University of Chicago

Use Cases of Computational Reproducibility in High-Performance Computing (HPC) explores use cases for improving the process of conducting computational research and scholarship. The goal is to apply theoretical reproducibility guidelines in practice to investigate their effectiveness for promoting good data, software, and project management and curation in computational research in HPC.
Principal Investigator:  Qian Zhang, University of Waterloo
Project Partner: Ana Trisovic, University of Chicago

Immersive Pedagogy: A Symposium on Humanities Teaching and Learning with 3D, Augmented and Virtual Reality builds on a previous microgrant [see below], this symposium will focus on the integration of 3D technologies and methodologies within higher education by creating and producing pedagogical materials related to 3D/VR technology. The symposium will take place on June 27-28, 2019 at Carnegie Mellon University.
Principal Investigator: Lorena Gauthereau, University of Houston
Project Partners: Eric Kaltman, Carnegie Mellon University; Jessica Linker, Bryn Mawr College; Emma Slayton, Carnegie Mellon University; Neil Weijer, Johns Hopkins University; Henry Alexander Wermer-Colan, Temple University; Christopher Young, University of Toronto.

Labeculae Vivae: Building a Reference Library of Stains for Researching Medieval Manuscripts gathers scientific data drawn from stains found on parchment, paper, and bindings in medieval manuscripts 500-1500 CE. The project will provide the first dataset for characterized stains that are commonly found on manuscripts, a sound methodology for the replication of the data gathering and analysis processes, and the implementation and use of the database as applicable to manuscript studies and conservation work. The data will provide a new way for researchers, conservators, librarians, and the public to access information concerning the material makeup of medieval manuscripts, their medieval uses, and new approaches for modern studies.
Principal Investigator: Heather Wacha, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Project Partners: Alberto Campagnolo, Library of Congress; Erin Connelly, University of Pennsylvania; Fenella France, Library of Congress; Michael Toth, R. B. Toth Associates

3D/VR Creation and Curation in Higher Education: A Colloquium to Explore Standards and Best Practices brought together experts and academic practitioners in 3D/VR creation, visualization, analysis, curation, and preservation at the University of Oklahoma March 8-9, 2018. Colloquium participants were drawn from across disciplines, shared their skills through workshops, and discussed best practices through lightning talks, cross-disciplinary presentations, and moderated discussions. The presentations and discussions formed the basis of a CLIR report, 3D/VR in the Academic Library: Emerging Practices and Trends published in February 2019. The volume, which comprises eight chapters from experts in a variety of fields, examines the use of 3D and VR technologies in research and teaching, and the library’s vital role in supporting this work. Chapters cover 3D content creation, VR visualization and analysis, 3D/VR-based educational deployment, and 3D/VR data curation, providing a snapshot of professional objectives and workflows that have developed around 3D/VR.
Principal Investigator: Zachariah Lischer-Katz, University of Oklahoma
Project Partners: Jennifer Grayburn, Temple University; Kristina Golubiewski-Davis, University of California Santa Cruz; Veronica-Gaia Ikeshoji-Orlati, Vanderbilt University

APRICOT: A Peer-Reviewed Interdisciplinary Collection of Objects for Teaching is a pedagogical hub for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. The hub is a platform for sharing and disseminating teaching materials and for offering peer-review, versioning facilities and metrics, allowing instructors to get valuable feedback and data on the use of their materials. While APRICOT focuses on medieval studies, its framework is both scalable and extensible to other disciplines. The project includes an environmental scan, use cases and implementation paths, and a prototype Omeka site presenting teaching ideas at the intersection of Medieval Studies and digital archives.
Principal Investigator: Tamsyn Rose-Steel, Johns Hopkins University
Project Partners: Alexandra Bolintineanu, University of Toronto; Matthew Davis, North Carolina State University; Ece Turnator, University of Texas at Austin; and Bridget Whearty, Stanford University

Linking the Middle Ages: Workshop on Linked Open Data and Medieval Studies convened a two-day workshop on the sharing and publishing of linked open data (LOD) relating to Medieval Studies. The workshop brought together more than 30 global digital medievalists, librarians, and technologists at the University of Texas at Austin to brainstorm the challenges posed to medievalists in sharing data on digital platforms. Participants presented their work in LOD operational sites and discussed obstacles and opportunities of LOD in three areas: research, teaching, and publications. 
Principal Investigator: Ece Turnator, University of Texas at Austin
Project Partners: Alexandra Bolintineanu, University of Toronto; Tamsyn Rose-Steel, Johns Hopkins University; and Bridget Whearty, Stanford University

TOME (Toolkit of Material Evidence): Tracing Readers, Owners, and Users of Books  is an online multimedia reference book for the study of ownership and readers’ marks combining images, videos, scope notes, references, and introductory essays to help users understand the material aspects of rare books housed in both physical and digital libraries. The project establishes a core vocabulary to describe 20 types of marks and marginalia and populates that vocabulary with illustrative images of rare books from the Clark Library at UCLA and the Kislak Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Laura Aydelotte, University of Pennsylvania
Project Partner: Philip Palmer, University of California Los Angeles

Identifying Early Modern Printed Books (IdEMB) is a digital humanities project studying citation practices in early modern and book history scholarship. Working with journal citation data provided by JSTOR, the dataset enables scholars to study trends in copy-specific citation practices.
Principal Investigators: Meaghan Brown, Folger Shakespeare Library; Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University
Project Partner: Paige Morgan, McMaster University

Teaching Digital Approaches to Special Collections: TEI as a Mode of Primary Source Engagement in Undergraduate and MLIS Pedagogies. Three UCLA graduate students transcribed and encoded the manuscript annotations in ten of the Clark Library’s digitized early modern books using TEI and a custom schema developed by the University College London’s Center for Editing Lives and Letters.
Principal Investigator: Philip Palmer, University of California Los Angeles
Project Partner: Charlotte Nunes, Southwestern University

Reading Cities is a digitally augmented text platform that serves teachers and researchers of texts and urban environments. Designed for widespread use in classroom instruction and teaching, the collaboratively built platform enhances print and ebook versions of texts that are then edited by content experts to include culturally relevant and open access images, sounds, films, and historical material.
Principal Investigator: Edward Triplett, Duke University
Project Partners: Melissa Dinsman, University of Notre Dame; Carrie Johnston, Bucknell University

Host Institutions
Postdocs in the USA
Postdocs in Canada & Overseas