
hands with phone

Information: Easing our Burdens

—By Sohair Wastawy In my social and physical isolation my mind has been wandering to a time when I was 13 years old, in Egypt.



—Charles Henry Of late we have been understandably immersed in the current moment. The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in our lifetime, a disruptive force that


A Message to Our Community About COVID-19

Dear Colleagues, We hope this message finds you, your family, and your friends safe and well. As the COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented personal and institutional

Share Your COVID-19 Story With CLIR

COVID (Re)Collections is a new series from CLIR exploring responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by the library, cultural heritage, and information community. You can access

CLIR Issues 133

Number 133  January/February 2020 ISSN 1944-7639 (online version) Contents Three Questions with Sohair Wastawy Material Memory Season One Focuses on Indigenous Languages Hidden Collections Symposium