

A Message to Our Community About COVID-19

Dear Colleagues, We hope this message finds you, your family, and your friends safe and well. As the COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented personal and institutional

Share Your COVID-19 Story With CLIR

COVID (Re)Collections is a new series from CLIR exploring responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by the library, cultural heritage, and information community. You can access


What the Past Knows

—Abby Smith Rumsey CLIR’s Material Memory podcast series explores ways in which collective memory and the organizations entrusted with its stewardship are experiencing the disruptions

CLIR Names 2019 Mellon Dissertation Fellows

Arlington, VA, April 11, 2019—Sixteen graduate students have been selected to receive awards this year under the Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources

blog photo

An Ambient Light

—Charles Henry This is an introduction to a series of blogs meant to clarify CLIR’s working principles and goals for the next five years. The

Archivos poscustodiales para el bien colectivo

Hannah Alpert-Abrams, traducido por Ignacio Carvajal Regidor  [English] Construir colecciones en bibliotecas o archivos a través de fronteras internacionales siempre implica una negociación de poder.