Lisa Wright on designing for CLIR

Lisa Wright on designing for CLIR Lisa Wright, of Obsesso Processo, worked with CLIR’s Digital Library Federation and Digitizing Hidden Collections programs to design identities

CLIR Issues 137

Number 137  September/October 2020 ISSN 1944-7639 (online version) Contents Keynotes and Programs Announced for DLF Forum and Affiliated Events Material Memory Podcast, Season Two, Coming

CLIR Issues 136

  Number 136  July/August 2020 ISSN 1944-7639 (online version) Contents Digital Library of the Middle East Offers Rich Resources for Teaching and Learning CLIR Names

data center

Artificial Intelligence and Archives

—Rebecca Bayeck and Azure Stewart “Artificial Intelligence and Archives” was the inaugural webinar of the series on Emerging Technologies, Big Data & Archives, organized by