Preserving Digital Information, Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information Waters, Donald; Garrett, John (5/96, 59 pp.) ISBN 1-88733450-5 $15.00.

thumbnail of pub63watersgarrettpub63. Preserving Digital Information, Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information
Waters, Donald; Garrett, John (5/96, 59 pp.) ISBN 1-88733450-5 $15.00.

Recommends specific actions that the Commission on Preservation and Access, the Research Libraries Group. Inc. (RLG), and other organizations could undertake to help develop reliable systems for preserving access to digital information. A considerable portion of the report explores the nature of “information objects in the digital landscape.” Proposes creation of a distributed structure for collecting digital information resources, protecting their integrity over the long term and retaining them for future use. Concludes that the significant challenges in preserving digital information are not so much organizational or technological as legal and economic.

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