Nancy Davenport Named President of CLIR

CLIR Press Releases

For Immediate Release: June 3, 2004
Contact: Kathlin Smith 202-939-4754

Nancy Davenport Named President of CLIR

WASHINGTON, D.C.-The Board of the Council on Library and
Information Resources (CLIR) is pleased to announce the appointment
of Nancy Davenport as its president, effective July 5, 2004.

Ms. Davenport has served for twenty-six years in the Library of
Congress, where she has had very broad experience and held several
leadership positions. She is currently Director of Acquisitions
at the Library. Previously, she was Head of the Congressional Research
Service Inquiry Section, Coordinator of Member and Committee Relations
for the CRS, and Director of Special Programs. Over the years, the
Library has turned to her to direct the divisions of Rare Books
and Special Collections, Prints and Photographs, and the CRS while
the Library searched for permanent directors. From 1990 to 1997,
Nancy directed a training program for librarians in the new democratic
states of Central and Eastern Europe which was sponsored by Congress
and carried out by the Library of Congress.

Ms. Davenport has been very active in professional library associations.
She is now on the Council and Executive Board of the American Library
Association and previously served as Chair of the President’s Program
Committee and the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. She has
chaired the Editorial Advisory Board of the Library Administration
and Management Association and the Section on Acquisitions and Collections
Development of the International Federation of Library Associations
and Institutions. She is the former president of the Federal Librarians
Roundtable and of the Library of Congress Professional Association.

CLIR Board Chairman Stanley Chodorow, in making the announcement,
said: “The Board is very pleased to have Nancy Davenport as
the new president of CLIR. We look forward to working with her to
develop CLIR’s agenda of programs and projects and to her leadership
of this important organization.”

The Council on Library and Information Resources is an independent,
nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the management of
information for research, teaching, and learning. CLIR works to
expand access to information, however recorded and preserved, as
a public good.

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