The symposium will be a hybrid event with opportunities for both remote and in-person participation. Information on remote participation can be found in the CFP and FAQs.
The in-person sessions (May 26-28, 2022) will be held at the Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, MO. CLIR will cover lodging (up to three days) and support participants’ travel (up to $750) for all in-person attendee, whether they are presenting or simply attending.
To reserve your room and get reimbursed for your travel, fill out CLIR’s Travel and Lodging Support Form. You can use this form to submit receipts for reimbursement and let CLIR know how many nights you plan to stay and if you need special accommodations. CLIR staff will reserve rooms for everyone who has requested one through the form.
CLIR has reserved a room block at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel and will support the lodging of all attendees. To reserve a room, fill out out travel and lodging form to let us know how long you will be staying and if you will need any special accommodations.
The hotel itself is in a converted train station from 1894, famous for its Grand Hall. The hotel has an aquarium on site and is close to downtown St. Louis and a number of attractions. You can learn more about the hotel at
Photo by Jonathan Cutrer.
Participants attending in person are encouraged to book their own travel and get it reimbursed from CLIR. When booking travel, please consult CLIR’s travel policy for guidance. Program staff will process receipts submitted through the travel and lodging support form. You will receive an email from CLIR’s finance office within 7-14 days of completing it with instructions on receiving your reimbursement in a secure fashion. If you would prefer that CLIR book your travel directly, contact
A note on sustainable travel: CLIR has recently revised its travel policy to better support more climate-friendly travel approaches. The policy now expressly covers sleeper cars and berths on trains/buses to help make travelers less dependent on airplanes. The policy also covers use of alternative-fuel vehicles, such as electric cars, and supports bicycle rentals. Carbon offsets are an allowable expense for travelers who need to fly. Participants may apply symposium travel funds to these expenses, up to the $750 total limit.
Council on Library and Information Resources
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
CLIR is an independent, nonprofit organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching, and learning environments in collaboration with libraries, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning.
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