February 4–6, 2005
Charleston, South Carolina
As libraries become increasingly involved in creating and managing collections of digital content, they are more and more concerned with how to provide for efficient storage and retrieval of that content. Library and technology leaders are being asked to make technical and policy choices to ensure that their scholarly information assets will remain accessible over time. Because most library directors are not well prepared to make these decisions, they will need to work with their technology cohorts to ensure that service needs are met.
In February, CLIR offered a three-day workshop for library and information technology administrators who need in-depth information about the planning, purchase, implementation, and management of digital assets. The workshop, “Managing Digital Assets,” focused on the latest trends in digital-content management and on how small and midsize academic libraries can incorporate new approaches into their operations. It offered library and information managers tools to evaluate the alternatives now available and to begin to chart digital-asset management strategies for their institutions.
Reading List
The reading list offers selections-for both before and after the event-in the various topics and issues that will come up during the workshop.
Speakers’ Presentations
Speakers’ notes and PowerPoint presentations for this meeting are available below in speaker alphabetical order. Not all presentations are available at this time.
- Metadata: Practice and Practice. Lorcan Dempsey, VP Research and Chief Strategist, OCLC Office of Research. 10.9 MB.
- Managing Digital Assets: The Organizational Case. Marilu Goodyear, Vice Provost, Information Services, University of Kansas. 728 KB.
- Envisioning the Scholar’s Workspace: Tools to Gather, Create, Share. David A. Greenbaum, Director, Information Systems and Technology, UC Berkeley. 1.3 MB.
- Unweaving the Rainbow: about (a couple of) today’s scholarly communications hot topics . Ann Okerson, Yale University Library. 1.7 MB.
- Content: or, a Tale of Mass and Malleability. David Seaman, Executive Director, Digital Library Federation. 1.1 MB.
- The National Preservation Infrastructure and how it Benefits Smaller Libraries. Abby Smith, Director of Programs, CLIR. 44 KB.
- Managing Digital Assets: An Overview of Strategic Issues. Donald J. Waters, (Keynote Speaker), Program Officer, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 76 KB.
- Making the Case for Curation: The Practical Experiment of DSpace. Ann J. Wolpert, Director of Libraries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 840 KB.
- Shibboleth: Building Tools for Inter-institutional Resource Sharing. Renée Woodten Frost, Internet2 Middleware and Security. 7.7 MB.