Leadership Through New Communities of Knowledge

About the Program

Cosponsored by CLIR and the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and with generous funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this program offered an array of professional development opportunities for library staff at small and mid-sized private liberal arts colleges and universities from 2009-2013.

Examples of programs offered through the “Leadership through New Communities of Knowledge” project have included the following:

  • Research behavior workshops, which provide anthropological contexts to an understanding of how students and faculty members search for information;
  • Managing digital assets workshops and scholarships to the University of North Carolina’s Digital Curation Institute, which guide participants in evaluating emerging approaches to digital content;
  • Work restructuring workshops, which support training for library directors on how to analyze and redesign library workflows; and
  • Archives for non-archivists workshops, which provide instruction for library staff working in archives and special collections who have not been formally trained for those responsibilities.

Click here to learn more about this program’s previous activities.