Home > Fellowships and Grants > CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program > Manage a Fellowship
Online sessions are held virtually during the academic year, in the months during which there is no other required program meeting. For examples of topics and speakers from past online sessions, see Past Education Program Dates.
Fellows meet in person at the summer seminar at the beginning of their fellowship terms, during the spring of their first year, and during the fall of their second year.
Online sessions are held every three months during the academic year. Information about each session is posted approximately one month in advance on the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Supervisor community mailing list.
For other relevant events, see the DLF Community Calendar, which lists conferences and events of interest to fellows and supervisors.
CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows are required to submit semiannual reports to CLIR at the end of June and December each year of the fellowship. Fellows submit a final report in June (June 30, 2022 for 2020 cohort fellows) or two weeks within the last day of fellowship, if later.*
An account in SM Apply will be created with your email address; do not log in via Twitter, Facebook, or Google. Instructions and reminders are sent out approximately one month prior to each reporting deadline. In order for our system to recognize that your report is complete, you must hit the “review and submit” button. For any questions or to receive your account information sooner, email postdoc@dev.clir.org.
CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship supervisors are required to submit semiannual reports to CLIR at the end of June and December each year of the fellowship. Supervisors submit a final report in June (June 30, 2022 for 2020 cohort supervisors) or two weeks within the last day of fellowship, if later.*
*Grant-funded fellowships also require an annual financial report. A financial template is provided here or you can use your institution’s template.
Occasionally, grant funds remain at the end of a fellowship. Institutions are required to report this to CLIR and to return all unspent funds in amounts greater than $100, by check or ACH, to CLIR. Directions for returning funds are provided in CLIR’s Returned Funds Policy for Grants and Grant-Funded Fellowships, available on the CLIR Policies web page. Due to the substantial fees involved, CLIR cannot accept payments by credit card.
For all program-related inquiries, email postdoc@dev.clir.org. We’re always glad to meet via Zoom to talk about more complex questions or requests.
Emily co-leads programming for current fellows. She is a program alum and currently an Associate, Break Through Technology, at the Rocky Mountain Institute.
Marcia is the mentor for the African American and African Studies fellows. She is a Professor of History and African American Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Jennifer co-leads programming for current fellows. She is a program alum and currently the Digital Scholarship Librarian at University of Pennsylvania Libraries.
Jodi manages the program’s scholarship, leadership, and re-granting components. She handles day-to-day program communications, outreach, and engagement.
Managing Director Louisa Kwasigroch and Chief Operating Officer Amy Lucko oversee CLIR’s Scholarship, Leadership, and Preservation programs.
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