Get Involved

Get Involved with CLIR

Explore the many ways for you and your university, college, library, museum, gallery, or nonprofit to get involved, connect, and collaborate with CLIR. Contact us with questions or ideas on how we can best connect with you.

Sponsors, Members, Affiliates, and Partners

Sponsors and Members

Joining CLIR supports the projects, partnerships, research, and publications that benefit libraries, cultural institutions, communities of higher learning, and the individuals who bring these projects to life.

Affiliates and Partnerships

CLIR establishes collaborative relationships and cross-institutional initiatives with organizations that have similar missions in the pursuit of common goals.

Professional Development

Digital Library Federation

DLF is robust member community of practice that advances research, learning, social justice, and the public good through digital library technologies.

Leading Change Institute

LCI brings together information sector leaders who seek to inspire, advocate for, and advance change in higher education environment.

CLIR and DLF Job Board

Let CLIR and DLF help you attract great candidates in the fields of libraries, archives, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning.

Programs, Grants, and Fellowships

CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers recent Ph.D. graduates the chance to develop research tools, resources, and services while exploring new career opportunities at institutions of higher learning.

Digitizing Hidden Special Collections

A national grant competition for digitizing rare and unique content at collecting institutions of all sizes.

Recordings at Risk

A national regranting program that supports the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media of high scholarly value.

Blogs, Podcasts, and Publications

Material Memory

CLIR’s podcast explores the critical role that libraries, archives, museums, and other public institutions play in keeping cultural memory alive.

CLIR Blogs

CLIR blogs cover issues and insights important to the global library, cultural heritage, and information community.

CLIR News and Reports

The CLIR News newsletter and our downloadable reports cover news and information on preservation, digital libraries, economics of information, trends in information use, international developments, and the changing role of the library.