Map of CLIR’s Reach

This map shows locations of CLIR sponsors and DLF members, and also reflects activity in various CLIR programs in recent years. There are nine data layers, as shown in the legend. Hover your mouse over a layer to get the full layer title. Layers can be turned on or off by clicking on the eyeball icons to the right of each layer. The legend can be hidden by clicking on the double arrow at the top. The circles with numbers indicate the number of CLIR-related activities or events in a particular area. Zoom in for futher detail and click on data points for specific information. A full-screen version of the map is available here (after viewing, use your browser’s back button to return to our site).

Layer Contents

CLIR Sponsors
Institutions that currently support CLIR through paid sponsorship. Sponsorship information >

DLF Members
Institutions that are involved in the Digital Library Federation (DLF), a program of CLIR, through paid membership. Some DLF members are also CLIR sponsors. Membership information >

E-Science Participants
The DLF/DuraSpace E-Science Institute provides a learning experience designed to help participants develop sound strategic approaches to exploring and supporting e-science research within their organizations. The map indicates locations of participants at the time of their attendance in the institute.

Hidden Collections GRANTEES
Institutions that received grants from the Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives program. Libraries, archives, and cultural institutions hold millions of items that have never been adequately described. This program seeks to address this problem by awarding grants for supporting innovative, efficient description of large volumes of material of high value to scholars. More information >

Hidden Collections PARTNERS
Institutions that partnered with other grantees in the Hidden Collections program.

Postdoctoral Fellows
This fellowship provides recent Ph.D. recipients a unique opportunity to develop as scholars, scientists, and teachers while learning about modern librarianship, digital resources, data stewardship, e-publishing, archives, and collection development. More information >

Rovelstad Scholarships
The Rovelstad Scholarship provides for a student of library and information science to attend the annual World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). One scholarship is awarded each year. More information >

Frye/LCI Participants
The Leading Change Institute (LCI) prepares and develops the next generation of leaders in libraries, information services, and higher education by engaging those who seek to further develop their skills for the benefit of higher education. The Leading Change Institute was launched by CLIR in 2012 as the successor to the Frye Leadership Institute. The map indicates locations of participants at the time of their attendance in either institute. More information >

Mellon Fellowship Research Sites
CLIR offers about 15 fellowships annually to support original-source doctoral dissertation research in the humanities or related social sciences. The map indicates locations of research sites visited by fellows doing research under this program. More information >