Camden County Library System STRATEGIC PLAN 1994- 1998 Overview

The Strategic Pan reflects the vision and efforts of a group of dedicated community representatives- and library staff who worked together over the period of a year to Chart the System’s immediate future. This overview gives you a glimpse of that plan with emphasis on the roles selected and the goals we will pursue as we prepare for the 21st century and the opportunities it will bring for all of us. For more details. please ask to see a copy of the plan in the Reference Department.

    Popular Materials Center
    We will provide and promote current high- demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats to adults and children in our diverse community.
    Reference Services
    We will provide timely, accurate and useful information for individuals of all ages, businesses, government and community interests.
    Formal Education Support Center
    We will assist students in meeting educational objectives during their formal courses of study from kindergarten through two years of post-secondary education.
  • MISSION STATEMENTWe are in the business of meeting the recreational, informational and educational needs of our public.
  • VISION STATEMENTThe Camden County Library strives to be the gateway to the global network of recorded thought and information. We pledge to enhance the library’s potential to benefit the lives of individuals and the welfare of our communities.

    We are committed to working as a team to:

    • Encourage reading as an aid to learning and a source of wisdom and delight.
    • Provide superior services to all segments of our diverse communities.
    • Adapt our collections and our facilities to our public’s changing needs and environments.
    • Take a leading role in developing cooperative and innovative services in the region and the state.
    • Employ state-of-the-art technology to improve access to global re- sources.
    • Create a workplace where staff can enjoy individual growth. empowerment. equal opportunity and a share in the rewards of success.


  • Goal 1: Your Needs Equal Our Actions.
    You need to know what we can do for you. We need to know what you want. We’re partners in making the library’s mission and vision realities.
    A marketing survey and action plan will direct us in providing and promoting responsive, top-notch library services to current and potential users alike.
  • Goal2: Service Is Spoken Here.
    Our promise to you – timely, accurate service from a staff that is dedicated to high quality performance. You are ensured excellent service in a library setting – or in your home, office or school through advanced technology.
  • Goal 3: Easy For You.
    Easy access to materials in a variety of formats is your ticket to the inside track of the Information Superhighway – and your key to unlimited reading and recreational possibilities.
  • Goal 4: Special Groups. Special Focus.
    Stronger relationships with the business community, government, minority populations and schools will be developed through pilot programs.
    These groups will benefit from services specifically targeted to their needs. We’ll all benefit from an enhanced community environment.

SOURCE: ADAPTED FROM THE CAMDEN COUNTY LIBRARY Strategic plan 1994-1998 overview