Structured Glossary of Technical Terms–

Commission on Preservation and Access


[Document Tree]
The Original Document
1.1 Medium
1.2 Format
1.3 Periodicity
1.4 Properties
1.5 Condition
1.6 Content


1.6. Document Content
Document Content refers to the substance of the material or information
within the document that is intended to be communicated.
1.6.1. Intellectual Content
Intellectual Content refers to the ideas, thought processes,
artistic expressions, etc., contained within the document.
1.6.2. Copyright [16]
Copyright refers to a means of legal protection provided
to the author(s) of original published and unpublished works that have
been “fixed in a tangible form of expression,” in order to afford such
authors the exclusive right of exploitation, in particular
the right to control the reproduction, distribution, performance, or
display of the work, or to control the preparation of derivative works. [17] Often,
exploitation of the work by others requires the consent of the author(s)
and the payment of a royalty to the author(s), usually in
the form of a fixed sum of money for each copy made, shown, or distributed.For works copyrighted in the United States after January 1, 1978,
protection afforded to the author(s) or the author(s)’ estate is usually
for the author(s)’ lifetime plus 50 years. For works created prior
to that date, the copyright period was 28 years from the date of publication
(or the date of registration of copyright for unpublished works), plus
an additional period of 47 years for works whose copyright was renewed
during the last year of the first term.

Works published in the United States may be afforded protection in
countries that were members of the Universal Copyright Convention or
of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
Works. Conversely, works published in such member countries are protected
within the United States.

Most works that are the subject of preservation interest were published
before 1978. The copyrights on the majority of those works were not
renewed for the optional second term. Thus, the copyrights have expired
on most of the works of current preservation interest that were subject
to United States copyright protection. However, since this is not true
of all such works, the normal practice is to check copyright ownership
to verify clearance.

1.6.3. Structure
Structure refers to the divisions within a document provided
for ease of access, reference, and other purposes. The broad structure
of a given document is likely to vary according to its format (1.2),
and there is also not necessarily any standard structure for a given
format. With its long history, the structure of the printed book (1.2.2)
has evolved towards a somewhat standard structure. Because of the focus
of this Glossary on the preservation of the printed book, a typical
book structure is presented here and structures for other formats are
omitted. Abstract (see Title Page
The Title Page of a work normally contains the title of the
work, its author(s), and the name of the publisher. Table of Contents (see List of Figures, Tables, Maps
or Other Illustrations (see Preface (see Introduction (see Body
The Body of a document refers to the main corpus of the work.
It may be divided into characters, chapters, articles,
or other segments. Index (see Other
This category includes publisher’s notes, credits, frontispieces,
and other minutiae of publication.

[Document Tree]