CLIR Launches Climate Resiliency Action Series to Address Climate Change in Cultural Heritage Institutions

CLIR has launched the Climate Resiliency Action Series, a new community of practice focused on addressing climate change in libraries and cultural heritage institutions. This free six-part series, running through 2024-2025, brings together experts from Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Records (GLAMR) institutions to share strategies for mitigating climate change’s impact. Each session will explore a key theme, followed by a community-led Climate Circle to foster networking and strategic planning.

The series kicked off on September 13 with Climate Resiliency Nuts and Bolts, which focused on developing climate adaptation, justice, and response initiatives. Skills-Based Climate Programming (October 29, 2024) will showcase programs that teach patrons practical skills like gardening and mending. In Combating Climate Anxiety Through Data(December 5, 2024), participants will learn how curating scientific data can help ease climate anxiety. The series continues with Indigenous Knowledge & Climate Collaboration (January 30, 2025), highlighting partnerships with Indigenous communities that support ecosystem and cultural sustainability. Place-Based Planning (March 13, 2025) will explore risk evaluation and long-term climate planning. Finally, Big Data and the Preservation Problem (April 9, 2025) will examine how libraries and data managers handle data preservation and usage in the face of evolving policies.

Each session will be followed by a Climate Circle to encourage collaboration and long-term planning. This initiative is made possible in part by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

To learn more and register for sessions, visit the Climate Resiliency Action Series website.

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