Anne R. Kenney to Join CLIR

CLIR Press Release


For Immediate Release May 31, 2000

Contact: Deanna Marcum 202-939-4750

Anne R. Kenney to Join CLIR

Washington, D.C.—CLIR President Deanna Marcum announced today that Anne Kenney, codirector of the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections and associate director of the Department of Preservation and Conservation at Cornell University Library, will join the CLIR staff as program director September 1, 2000. Ms. Kenney will be based in Ithaca, where she will divide her time between work on initiatives at Cornell and at CLIR.

“We are thrilled to have Anne Kenney join the program team,” said Ms. Marcum. “She brings distinctive talents and expertise to several of CLIR’s areas of interest. Anne is well known in national and international preservation circles. She is a leader in digital imaging and in building and managing digital collections, and she is responsible for establishing defacto standards for text-based imaging. How fortunate for CLIR—and for the library and information community—that Anne will be working in this new capacity.”

At CLIR, Ms. Kenney will initially focus on advancing strategies for the creation of short- and long-term digital archival repositories and promoting preservation education initiatives.

Ms. Kenney has worked with the Department of Preservation and Conservation at Cornell since 1987. She is the author of numerous books and reports, and is coeditor of RLG DigiNews. Her most recent work, Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives, written with Oya Rieger, was published this spring by the Research Libraries Group. Her previous book, Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives, written with Stephen Chapman, received the Society of American Archivists’ Leland Prize for best monograph in 1997. Ms. Kenney is a past president of the Society of American Archivists and represents SAA on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, where she serves as chairperson of the executive committee.

The Council on Library and Information Resources works in partnership with libraries, archives, and other information providers to advocate collaborative approaches to preserving the nation’s intellectual heritage and strengthening the many components of its information system. It works to support institutions as they integrate audiovisual and digital resources and services into their well-established, print-based environments.

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